时间:2021-06-15 来源:网络 浏览:走过6月英语六级翻译考试,准备好迎接12月了吗?历年试题精选为你备考加把劲!文都网校四六级为各位考生带来《2021英语六级翻译备考:历年试题精选之爱情故事》,帮助大家更好准备2021英语六级翻译备考。【文末领资料·英语四六级618低价风暴】
Chinese love stories are various and they are developed from the Chinese history of 5000 years.They are grown from the daily life of people and carry the dreams of people in which people can lead the life they want or wish to have.Chinese love stories always contain the content of fighting against the evil power,telling people pursuing true love needs courage and insistence.As part of Chinese culture,all Chinese love stories show Chinese people's courage,insistence and intelligence.
1.中国的爱情故事各种各样,它们都是从中国5000年的历史中发展而来的:“中国的爱情故事多种样”可翻译为Chineselove stories are various。
2.它承栽着人们的梦想:“承载”一词是翻译难点,参考译文中译为了carry,它的本意是“随身携带;输送”,carry thedreams即这些故事“随身携带”着人们的梦想,引申一下就是“承载梦想”。
3.中国爱情故事总是包含对抗邪恶力量的内容,告诉人们追求真爱需要勇气和坚持:“对抗邪恶力量”可译为fight against the evil power;“追求真爱”可译为pursue true love;“勇气和坚持”可译为courage andinsistence。
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