时间:2021-06-15 来源:网络 浏览:走过6月英语六级翻译考试,准备好迎接12月了吗?历年试题精选为你备考加把劲!文都网校四六级为各位考生带来《2021英语六级翻译备考:历年试题精选之北方冬天》,帮助大家更好准备2021英语六级翻译备考。【文末领资料·英语四六级618低价风暴】
在中国,北方的冬天在12月和3月之间,相当寒冷(chilly)。北京的气温不会在0℃以上,尽管通常会比较干燥和晴朗。长城以北,在内蒙古(Inner Mongolia)和黑龙江,要冷得多。北方的夏季在5月和8月之间。北京的气温偶尔会达到37℃,甚至更高。7月和8月同时也是这个城市的雨季。春秋季是游览的最好季节。白天的气温会在21℃至29℃之间,而且雨水偏少。
In China,winters in the North fall between December and March and are incredibly chilly.Beijing's temperature does not rise above 0℃.although it will generally be dry and sunny.North of the Great Wall.into Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang.it is much colder.Summer in the North is around May to August. Beijing’s temperature Can occasionally rise to 37℃and even higher.July and August are also the rainy months in the city.Spring and autumn are the best seasons for visiting it.Daytime temperatures are between 21℃and 29℃.and there is less rain.
1.第一句中,“在12月和3月之间”可译为fall between December and March,此处fall意为“适逢,正当(某日)”。
2.第二句中,“尽管通常会比较干燥和晴朗”为让步状语从句,可译为 although it will generally be dry and sunny。
3.第三句中,“要冷得多”要用比较级,可译为it is much colder。
4.第五句中,“偶尔会达到”可译为0ccasionally rise to。
5.第六句中,“雨季”可译为rainy months。
6.第八句中,“白天的气温”可译为daytime temperatures。
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