时间:2021-07-22 来源:网络 浏览:大家关注的艺术文化问题,一直是大学英语四级翻译常考的话题之一。小编为了帮助大家更好的备考,为大家分享2021年12月英语四级翻译练习题:吉祥艺术,祝愿12月参与英语四六级考试的小伙伴们都能顺利通 过 考试!【文末领资料】
谈起我国的吉祥艺术。不得不提鼻烟壶(Snuff bottIe)。尽管它的历史不长,却浓缩了历史悠久的中国传统文化;尽管鼻烟是舶来品,但鼻烟壶经过中国能工巧匠的精心打造,很快便成为一个独立的、崭新的工艺术美术品种;尽管它很袖珍,但集多种工艺之大成,被广大收藏爱好者视为珍贵文玩。鼻烟壶所蕴含的吉祥文化,不仅在装饰中表现得淋漓尽致,而且还表现在材质、造型等方面。
Snuff bottle is a must-be-mentioned item in terms of art of mascot in China.Despite its short history,it concentrates the features of traditional Chinese culture with long history.Snuff bottle originated from abroad,but it quickly became an independent new work of art with meticulous efforts by Chinese craftsmen.It looks small,but integrates the culmination of a variety of techniques,and is deemed by many collectors to be valuable artwork.Snuff bottle implies auspicious culture,which is not only vividly displayed in decoration,but also in materials,shapes and so on.
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