时间:2021-07-08 来源:网络 浏览:想六级口语考试对答如流、出口成章?怎么能少了六级口语真题及答案加持?文都网校四六级为各位考生带来《六级口语真题及答案:个人财务规划》,get更全英语六级试卷就上文都网校四六级!【文末领资料】
本场六级口语考试陈述和讨论的主题为“The importance of living within one’s means”。
Nowadays, a large number of people choose to borrow money online or from credit cards in order to buy what they can’t afford at present. Obviously, it’s not a correct way to cover one’s expense because it will cause a serials of problems. It is of great importance that we live within our means. On the one hand, consuming in advance will make us spend more and more, because people subconsciously think that they will save some money in next month which is impossible. There is no doubt that this will increase people's financial burden. And if one can’t return the debt in time, he has to pay a large amount of interest. On the other hand, living beyond our means also puts a lot of stress on our lives because we can't plan our lives well. What's worse, some people choose to commit suicide under the pressure. So it's important to live within your means, which is not only good for planning your life, but also good for your mental health.
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大学英语四六级写作模板句型.pdf | 历年四级考试重点词汇.pdf |