时间:2021-07-08 来源:网络 浏览:想六级口语考试对答如流、出口成章?怎么能少了六级口语真题及答案加持?文都网校四六级为各位考生带来《六级口语真题及答案:生活费够花吗》,get更全英语六级试卷就上文都网校四六级!【文末领资料】
A: Do you use any credit card in daily life?
B: Though I own one credit card issued by China Construction Bank, I rarely use it.
A: Why is that?
B: Because I don’t think it is wise to borrow money to cover living expenses. You pay things you need by credit card, you borrow money from the bank. And that is not borrowed to you without any condition. You use the money from the bank, you need to pay back the money more than you borrow. And if you fail to repay the debt on time, your individual credit would be damaged and that would exert bad impact on your social life.
A: I agree with you. We should stay aware of premature consumption and excessive consumption. Although various advertisers are advocating the idea of “consumption makes life better”, we should be alert to sliding into the opposite situation---bankruptcy.
B: Quite right, we need to regulate our consumption behavior and stay away from debt as far as possible.
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历年四级真题及答案解析.rar | 历年六级真题及答案解析.rar |
大学英语四六级大纲词汇表.pdf | 大学英语六级高频词汇.pdf |
大学英语四六级写作模板句型.pdf | 历年四级考试重点词汇.pdf |