时间:2020-08-07 来源:文都网校 浏览:2020年9月英语六级翻译备考已经正式开始了,文都网校四六级小编为大家分享了六级翻译练习题:孙悟空,希望大家能够从中总结经验,在考试中取得好成绩。
唐朝(the Tang Dynasty)是中国历史上统一时间最长,国力最强盛的朝代之一。唐朝全盛时期在文化,科技,政治,经济,外交等方面都取得了很高的成就。中国历史上有大量的科技发明,四大发明中有两个,即火药和活字印刷(movable-type printing),都诞生于唐朝。这一时期文学发展达到高峰,其中诗歌最为兴盛,唐诗至今仍家喻户晓。海外的华侨华人往往称自己是“唐人”,他们聚居的地方便被称为“唐人街”。每逢春节,这里都要耍龙灯(dragon-lanternshow),舞狮子,仍然保留着中国的传统风俗。
The Tang Dynasty is one of the dynasties which hadbeen unified for the longest time and had thestrongest national power in Chinese history.In itsheyday, the Tang Dynasty gained greatachievements in culture,science andtechnology,politics, economy and diplomacy.In histoiy, China had many scientific andtechnological inventions, among which gunpowder and the movable-type printing of the FourGreat Inventions were invented in the Tang Dynasty.Literature reached its peak at that time, especially poetry.And Tang poems are still widely known now.Overseas Chinese and ethnicChinese often call themselves “Tang People”,and the place where they live is called“Chinatown”.During the Spring Festival, traditional Chinese customs, such as dragon-lanternshow and lion dance, are still kept there.
1.取得了很高的成就:可译为gained greatachievements。
2.家喻户晓:可译为be widely known,即“广为人知的”。
4.每逢春节…传统风俗:该句可以理解为“每逢春节,中国的传统风俗,比如耍龙灯、舞狮子仍然在那里得以保留”,故译为During the Spring Festival, traditional Chinese customs, such as dragon-lantern show and liondance are still kept there,在意义上比直接翻译更加完整。