时间:2020-07-01 来源:文都网校 浏览:2020年上半年英语四六级考试分为了两个时间段,部分同学会参加7月的考试,大家要珍惜当下考试机会,小编也为各位考生整理英语四级翻译真题及答案解析,更多历年英语四级真题关注本网更新。
Lion Dancing is a traditional Chinese folk performance with a history of more than 2,000 years. In the Lion Dancing, two performers share one lion costume, one performer moves the head of costume, the other moves his body and tail. They work together skillfully, imitating the lion’s movements. The lion is also the king of animals, symbolizing happiness and good luck, so people usually perform the Lion Dancing during the Spring Festival and other festivals and holidays. Lion Dancing can also be seen on other important occasions, such as the opening ceremony of a shop and wedding ceremonies, often attracting large audience.
2019年6月四级该篇翻译真题一共包含五句话,而且段落符合汉语的行文习惯,大都以短句形式呈现。所以在翻译过程中用简单句,非谓语形式即可。该段话是对中国传统文化的一般描述,所以在翻译的过程中,可选取一般现在时。下面一起来看一下里面涉及的词汇,首先是“舞狮”,最常用的翻译是“Lion Dancing”或“Lion Dance”;其次是“民间表演”,译为“folk performance”,该词在2015年12月翻译真题中,关于剪纸的翻译中曾经出现过,做过历年真题并好好复习的同学应该会很熟悉。“兽中之王”译为“the king of animals”,其中“兽”无需译为“beast或monster”,因为这两个词通常指“怪兽”,所以兽中之王中的兽译为animal即可;“熟练配合”可译为“work together skillfully”,也可译为“cooperate very well”;“商店开业和结婚典礼”译为“the opening ceremony of a shop and wedding ceremonies”,至少通过这次的翻译,应彻底记住“典礼”这个词用英文表达就是“ceremony”。
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