时间:2017-05-24 来源:文都网校 浏览:冲刺阶段,不少考生把关注点放在了翻译上面,那么考前如何快速的突破四级翻译呢?今天小编就为大家精选了一些英语四级翻译冲刺练习题,大家快来练一练吧!
Landscape painting is traditionally considered as the highest form of Chinese painting styles. It is very popular and is associated with refined scholarly taste. Chinese Landscape painting in general is seen as a combination or extension of calligraphy, painting, and poetry. The Chinese term for “landscape” is made up of two characters meaning “mountains and water”. It is linked with the philosophy of Daoism, which emphasizes harmony with the natural world. Chinese artists do not usually paint real place but imaginary landscape which is no longer about the description of the visible world, but a means of conveying the inner mind. People therefore believe that looking at landscape painting is a good way to realize the artist’s inner heart as well as a way to purify their souls.
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