

时间:2016-10-11 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:

    G20峰会于杭州举办,那么杭州会不会成为 英语四级翻译 的考点呢?下面,就和小编一起来积累一些有关杭州美景的词汇吧,希望对 英语四级 考生有所帮助。

      西湖十景 Ten Views of the West Lake

      断桥残雪 Melting Snow at Broken Bridge

      平湖秋月 Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake

      曲院风荷 Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard

      双峰插云 Twin peaks piercing Clouds

      苏堤春晓 Spring Dawn at Su Causeway

      三潭印月 Three pools mirroring the moon

      花港观鱼 Viewing Fish at flower harbor

      南屏晚钟 Evening bell at Nanping hill

      雷峰夕照 Sunset glow at Leifeng pagoda

      柳浪闻莺 Orioles singing in the willows

      新西湖十景 Ten New Views of the West Lake

      宝石流霞 Precious stone hill floating in rosy clouds

      黄龙吐翠Yellow Dragon cave dressed in green

      满垅桂雨Sweet osmanthus rain at Mannjuelong

      虎跑梦泉 Dream of the tiger spring

      九溪烟树 Nine creeks in misty forest

      龙井问茶 Enjoying tea at dragon well

      云栖竹径 Bamboo-lined path at Yunqi

      玉皇飞云 Flying clouds over jade Emperor hill

      吴山天风 Sky wind over Wu Hill

      阮墩环碧 Ruan Gong islet submerged in greenery

      雷峰塔 Leifeng Pagoda

      灵隐寺 Lingyin Temple

      钱塘江 The Qiantang River

      千岛湖 Thousand Islets Lake

      杭州梅家坞茶村 Meijiawu Tea Village in Hangzhou

      京杭大运河 The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal

      西溪国家湿地公园 Xixi National Wetland Park

      秋芦飞雪 Dasheng Nunnery

      火映柿波 Water MirroringRed Persimmons

      龙舟盛会 Dragon Boat Pageant

      莲滩鹭影 Egret Trace with the Lotus

      龙舟盛会 Dragon Boat Pageant

      洪园余韵 Hong's Villa

      蒹葭泛月 MoonlightMirroring within the Reeds

      渔村烟雨 Rainy Fishing Village

      曲水寻梅 Xixi Plum Villa

      高庄宸迹 Gao's Villa

      河渚听曲 Appreciate Musicin Hezhu

      天竺三寺 The Three Temples of Tianzhu Hill

      法喜寺(上天竺寺) Faxi Temple(the upper Tianzhu temple)

      法净寺(中天竺寺) Fajing Temple (the middle Tianzhu temple)

      法镜寺(下天竺寺) Fajing Temple (the lower Tianzhu temple)

      天竺佛教圣地 The Buddhist Heaven of Tianzhu

      六和塔 Six Harmonies Pagoda/Liuhe Pagoda

    以上就是有关西湖美景的英语四级翻译词汇,正在复习 英语四级翻译 的考生们快快积累起来吧!

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