

时间:2016-10-11 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:

      根据 英语四级 历年真题,文都网校的老师们汇编出了出现频率超过20次的英语四级--真·高频词汇,快在临考前搞定它们,制霸考场吧!

      ability n. 能力,能耐,才能

      例:He is a man of great ability. 他是位能力很强的人。The acting abilities of both are well known. 这俩人的演技是众所周知的。搭配:ability to 具有……的能力,具有……的本领:We have great interest and our company has the ability to the project. 我们很感兴趣,而且我们公司有能力承建这个工程。

      able a. ①能够……的,得以……的 ②有才干的,有本事的

      例:The patient was soon able to sit up. 病人很快就能坐起来了。He was acknowledged as an able statesman. 他被公认为是个有才干的政治家。搭配:be able to do sth. 有能力做某事:Most children are able to walk before they are able to talk. 大多数孩子在会说话前就会走路。

      activity n. 活动,活动力

      例:He once engaged in anti government activity. 他一度从事反政府的活动。The store was a scene of great activity. 这家商店顾客盈门。拓展:active a. 有活力的

      affect v. ①影响 ②使震动,使感动 ③装作

      例:The amount of rain affects the growth of crops. 雨量影响作物的生长。She was deeply affected by the news of her father’s death. 父亲去世的消息使她深受震动。拓展:affective a. 情感的,表达感情的

      allow v. ①容许,允许 ②考虑

      例:He doesn’t allow cats in the room. 他不允许猫进入房内。He allowed that they were right. 他承认他们是对的。搭配:allow for 留出:Their teacher allowed them three days for the assignment. 老师给他们三天时间完成作业。allow of 容许某事物:The situation allows of no delay. 情况不容许有任何延误。拓展:allowable a. 可容许的,可承认的

      amount n. 总数,数量;v. 合计,共计

      例:What is the amount we owe them? 我们总共欠他们多少钱? The bill amounts to 500 yuan. 这张账单共计500元。搭配:amount to 相当于:Keeping what belongs to another amounts to stealing. 将他人之物占为己有等于偷窃。any amount of 大量:The second half produced any amount of action. 下半场十分激烈。no amount of 即使再多……也不:No amount of talk is going to change anything. 谈得再多也不会有任何改变。

      attention n. ①注意,注意力 ②照顾

      例:Let me have your attention! 请注意听我讲话! She gave her aging parents much attention. 她悉心照料年迈的双亲。搭配:pay attention to sth. 注意,专心:Please pay attention to what I am saying. 请你注意我说的话。拓展:attentive a. 注意的,留心的

      author n. 作家,创造者;v. 创造,写作

      例:Dickens is his favorite author. 狄更斯是他最喜欢的作家。As the author of the scheme, I can’t really comment. 作为方案的设计者,我是不便置评的。

      avoid v. 避开,躲开,避免

      例:I avoided him as much as possible. 我尽量避开他。She braked suddenly and avoided an accident. 她紧急刹车,避免了一场车祸。搭配:avoid doing sth. 避开做某事:He avoided answering my questions. 他避而不答我的问题。avoid sb.(sth.)like the plague极力回避:He s been avoiding me like the plague since our quarrel. 吵架以后,他一直如避蛇蝎似地躲着我。

      behavio(u)r n. ①行为 ②(机器等的)运转状态

      例:He was on his best behavior. 他表现极好。The aircraft’s behavior was satisfactory on its first test flight. 那架飞机在第一次试飞时运转情况令人满意。拓展:behave v. 行为表现,举动,举止

      business n. ①生意 ②事情

      例:Mr. Jones is in the business of selling cars. 琼斯先生从事汽车销售。This is none of your business. 这与你不相干。搭配:on business 因公,因事:Tom was on business last week. 上周汤姆出差了。

      challenge n. ①挑战 ②艰巨的事;v. ①要求 ②激发,刺激

      例:He received a challenge to a TV debate. 他要参加电视辩论赛,这对他是一个挑战。I challenged him to show his proof. 我要他拿出证据。

      claim n. 要求,声称;v. ①要求,索取 ②主张

      例:Mary made a claim to the pencil. 玛丽认为她应得到这支铅笔。The old man claimed the land. 老人要求得到这块土地。She claimed that the ring was stolen, not lost. 她声言那只戒指是被偷的,而不是遗失的。搭配:claim to fame 与众不同之处,成名的原因:The town’s only claim to fame is that it is the birthplace of Edgar. 小镇所以成名的唯一原因是它是埃德加的出生地。lay claim to 坚持对……的权利:She laid claim to her father’s crown. 她要求继承父亲的王位。拓展:claimant n. 申请者,要求者

      communication n. 传达,交流

      例:The satellite has become an important means of communication. 卫星已成为重要的通信工具。Communication between old and young people is not as difficult as you think. 老年人与年轻人之间的交流没有你想象的那样难。拓展:communicate v. ①沟通 ②通信

      concern v. 关于,涉及,关系到;n. 关心的事,重要的事

      例:The news concerns your brother. 这消息与你兄弟有关。That’s no concern of mine. 那不关我的事。搭配:as far as…is concerned就……而言:The measures are irrelevant as far as inflation is concerned. 就通货膨胀而言,这些措施无关紧要。have no concern with(正式)与……无关:Drama seemed to have no concern with “truth”at all. 戏剧似乎与“事实”毫无关系。拓展:concerned a. 忧虑的;concerning prep. 关于

      consumer n. 消费者,消耗者

      例:Consumer demand grew steadily. 消费需求稳步增长。Enforcement of Consumer Protection Legislation. 强制执行消费者保护法。

      create v. ①创造,设计 ②引起,产生

      例:An artist should create beautiful things. 艺术家应该创造美的东西。That would create a wrong impression. 那将造成一种错误的印象。拓展:creation n. 创造,产生;creative a. 创造的,创造性的

      describe v. ①描写,叙述 ②把……说成

      例:He described in detail how the accident happened. 他详细地叙述了事故发生的原委。He describes himself as a doctor. 他声称自己是医生。拓展:description n. 描写,叙述;descriptive a. 描述的,叙述的

      easily ad. ①容易地 ②无疑,确实

      例:You can find books easily in this library. 在这个图书馆找书很方便。That is easily the best TV program. 那无疑是最佳电视节目。

      environment n. 环境

      例:Children need a happy home environment. 孩子们需要愉快的家庭环境。It is highly important to preserve the environment. 保护自然环境至关重要。搭配: inhabited environment居住环境:We should protect our inhabited environment. 我们应该保护我们的居住环境。拓展:environmental a. 周围的,环境的

      experience n. 经验,经历,阅历;v. 经历,体验

      例:She had no experience of life at all. 她毫无生活经验。He’s a man who has experienced suffering. 他是一个吃过苦的人。搭配:experience of 在……方面有经验:Have you had any experience of teaching English? 你有过教英语的经历吗?拓展:experiment n. 实验,实践

      expert n. ①专家 ②能手,熟练者;a. 内行的

      例:She is an expert in training animals. 她是驯兽专家。Expert opinions are favorable to the project. 专家一致赞成这项工程。搭配:be expert at/in/on 在……是专家,能手:The cook was an expert at making sauces. 那位厨师是调制味汁的能手。

      following a. 接着的,下面的;n. 追随者

      例:He did it for the following reasons. 他这样做有以下几个原因。The Prime Minister has a large following. 首相有一大批支持者。

      individual a. 个人的,个体的,与众不同的;n. 个人,个体

      例:She has her own individual style of doing things. 她有自己独特的行事风格。Exceptions can not be made for individuals. 对个人不能有例外。拓展:individually ad. 分别地,各个地

      infer v. 推断,推论

      例:I infer that my proposal has been accepted. 我推测我的建议已被接受。People inferred that so able a governor would make a good president. 人们推定,如此能干的州长定会成为一名好总统。搭配:infer from推出,得出:Infer a conclusion from the facts. 根据事实推断出结论。拓展:inferable a. 能推理的,能推论的;inference n. 推论information n. 信息,咨询

      involve v. ①使卷入 ②需要 ③专注,使忙于

      例:Don’t involve me in your quarrel! 不要把我牵扯进你们的争吵中! His work involves occasional journeys. 他的工作偶尔需要出差。He was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation. 他在聚精会神地写博士论文。搭配:involve in 使……陷入困境:Don’t involve me in solving your problems! 你解决你的问题,不要把我拉进去!involve with 与……关系密切:He often sees her but doesn’t want to get too involved. 他常与她来往,但不愿与她过分亲近。拓展:involved a. ①复杂难懂的 ②有密切关系的

      likely a. ①很可能的 ②适当的,正合要求的;ad. 很可能

      例:John is likely to be in London this autumn. 今年秋天约翰可能在伦敦。The park is a likely place for the picnic. 公园倒是个适合野餐的地方。We will most likely be late. 我们很有可能会迟到。搭配:not likely (非正式)当然不,我不干:“Are you going home?” “Not likely!” “你要回家吗?”“当然不!”as likely as not 很可能:I won’t take their pills, because as likely as not they’d poison me. 我才不吃他们的药呢,他们很有可能要毒死我。

      major a. ①较大的 ②一流的 ③主修的;v. 主修,专攻

      例:The house needs major repairs. 这幢房子需要大修。He is a major writer. 他是著名的作家。He majors in math. 他主修数学。拓展:majority n. 大多数

      means n. ①方法,手段 ②财产,财力

      例:It is all a means to an end. 这只是达到目的的一种手段。He is living beyond his means. 他入不敷出。搭配:by all means 无论如何,必定:Try by all means to save the dying. 一定要尽力抢救那个垂危的病人。by means of借助于,用:They succeeded by means of perseverance. 他们不懈努力,最终获得成功。by no means决不,一点儿也不:She is by no means stupid. 她一点儿也不笨。拓展:mean a. 吝啬的,卑鄙的;v. 意图,意味

      opportunity n. 机会,良机

      例:There may be an opportunity for you to see the chairman of the board tomorrow. 明天你也许有机会见到董事长。Opportunitykicks but once. 机会难再。搭配:opportunity knocks 成功的机会来了:Opportunity knocks! Let’s work hard together! 成功的机会来了,让我们一起努力吧!

      paragraph n. ①段 ②短讯;v. 将……分段

      例:Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. 将下列各段译成中文。Did you see the paragraph about the stock market? 你有没有看到有关股票市场的短讯?Paragraph this text. 将这篇文章分段。

      present a.①出席的,在场的 ②当前的;n. 赠品; v. 给, 赠送

      例:I’m not at all satisfied with the present situation. 我对目前的情况一点儿都不满意。He often gave his neighbor’s kids little presents. 他常常送些小礼物给邻居的孩子。They presented him with a bunch of flowers. 他们献给他一束鲜花。搭配:(there is) no time like the present 现在是最好时机:“When do you want me to leave?” “No time like the present.” “你想让我什么时候离开?”“就现在。”at present现在,马上:At present, more and more people are interested in Internet. 目前,越来越多的人对互联网感兴趣。拓展:presence n. 出席,存在

      process n. ①过程,进程 ②制作法

      例:I will tell you, sooner or later, all the complicated process. 我早晚会将整个复杂过程告诉你。They are using a new process to make glass. 他们正在用一种新方法制造玻璃。搭配:be in the process of doing sth. 在……的进程中:A hurricane was in the process of devastating South Carolina. 一股飓风正在向南卡罗来纳州移动。in the process 在此过程中:She would make him pay for this, even if she killed herself in the process. 即使牺牲她的生命,她也要让他为此付出代价。

      product n. ①产品,产物 ②结果 ③乘积

      例:Today’s housing problems are the product of years of neglect. 今天的住房困难是多年来忽视的结果。The product of 4 and 10 is 40. 四与十的乘积是四十。拓展:production n. 产品,生产;productive a. 生产的,能产的,多产的

      promote v. ①晋升 ②宣传,推销(商品等)

      例:He certainly ought to be promoted. 他应该升职。The Prime Minister s visit will promote the cooperation between the two countries. 首相的访问将促进两国间的合作。promote to 提升为:They promoted him to be a general. 他们将他提拔为将军。拓展:promotion n. 促进,提升

      rate n. ①比例 ②速度 ③费用,价格

      例:The unemployment rate is rising in that country. 那个国家的失业率正在攀升。The car was going at the rate of 60 miles an hour. 汽车以每小时六十英里的速度行驶。搭配:at this rate 照这种情形:At this rate, I won’t have a job to go back to. 这样的话,我就没有工作可干了。at any rate 无论如何:At any rate, they must finish the homework in two days. 无论如何,他们必须在两天之内完成家庭作业。

      reason n. 原因,道理;v. 推理

      例:I reasoned that since she had not answered my letter she must be angry with me. 我想她没有给我回信,一定是在生我的气。for some reason 不知什么原因,不知何故:For some reason he likes you. 不知为什么他喜欢你。by reason of 因为:She was excused by reason of her age. 她因年事已高而得到宽恕。拓展:reasonable a. 讲理的,合情合理的

      replace v. ①把……放回(原处) ②取代,以……代替

      例:She replaced the receiver. 她将听筒放了回去。Electric lights have replaced candles. 电灯已经取代了蜡烛。搭配:replace with/by 用……代替:They replaced trams by buses. 他们用公共汽车代替了电车。拓展:replaceable a. 可代替的

      result v. 导致,产生;n. 结果,战绩

      例:His failure resulted largely from his laziness. 他的失败主要是懒惰所致。They worked without result. 他们徒劳无功。搭配:result in 导致,结果:The accident resulted in the death of two passengers. 这起事故导致两名乘客丧生。result from 起因于:His illness resulted from bad food. 他的病是由于吃了变质的食物所致。

      role n. ①角色 ②任务

      例:She played the leading role in the school play. 她在学校戏剧演出中担任主角。He denied any role in the robbery. 他否认曾参与这起抢劫案。搭配:play an important role 发挥重要作用:The headmaster plays an important role in the good running of a school. 办好一所学校,校长起重要作用。

      social a. ①社会的 ②社交的,联谊的

      例:Opinions on various social problems differ from person to person. 人们对社会问题的看法不尽相同。George stayed out of the social life of the school. 乔治置身于该校社交生活之外。搭配:a social person合群的人:He isn’t a very social person. 他很不合群。拓展:sociable a. 随和的

      stress n. 压力,重要性;v. ①强调 ②加压力于,使紧张

      例:Susan was completely weighed down by the stress of examinations. 苏珊被考试压垮了。The weight of snow stressed the roof to the point of collapsing. 积雪压得屋顶快要塌了。搭配:stress on sth. 强调:She plays great stress on punctuality, and regards it as very important. 她强调准时,认为这很重要。拓展:stressful a. 有压力的

      system n. 系统,制度,方法

      例:They are devising a road system. 他们在设计道路系统。The present system of education needs to be improved. 目前的教育制度需要改进。搭配:get sth. out of one’s system (非正式)消除疲劳(或烦恼):Yelling is an ace way of getting stress out of your system. 大声叫喊是消除压力的有效方法。

      tend v. ①趋向,易于 ②照管,管理

      例:Prices are tending upwards. 物价趋涨。A shepherd tended the sheep. 牧羊人照顾羊群。搭配:tend to 趋向,朝某方向:The wind is tending to the south. 风势转向南。拓展:tendency n. 倾向,趋势

      view n. ①风景 ②看法,意见;v. 认为,考虑

      例:She expresses the view that he is a fool. 她认为他是个傻瓜。We can view the problem in many ways. 我们可以从多方面来考虑这一问题。搭配:view on 对……的看法:What is your view on her resignation? 你对她的辞职有什么看法?have (keep) sth. in view 对某事有清晰的打算或计划:Keep your career aims constantly in view. 要时刻牢记自己在事业上的目标。




