

时间:2016-11-23 来源:网络 浏览: 分享:


      Reform and Medical Costs

      [A] Americans are deeply concerned about the relentless rise in health care costs and healthinsurance premiums. They need to know if reform will help solve the problem. The answer isthat no one has an easy fix for rising medical costs. The fundamental fix—reshaping how careis delivered and how doctors are paid in a wasteful, abnormal system—is likely to be achievedonly through trial and error and incremental (渐进的)gains.

      [B] The good news is that a bill just approved by the House and a bill approved by the SenateFinance Committee would implement or test many reforms that should help slow the rise inmedical costs over the long term. As a report in The New England Journal of Medicine concluded, "Pretty much every proposed innovation found in the health policy literature these days iscontained in these measures."

      [C] Medical spending, which typically rises faster than wages and the overall economy, ispropelled by two things: the high prices charged for medical services in this country and thevolume of unnecessary care delivered by doctors and hospitals, which often perform a lotmore tests and treatments than a patient really needs.

      [D] Here are some of the important proposals in the House and Senate bills to try to addressthose problems, and why it is hard to know how well they will work.

      [E] Both bills would reduce the rate of growth in annual Medicare payments to hospitals,nursing homes and other providers by amounts comparable to the productivity savingsroutinely made in other industries with the help of new technologies and new ways to organizework. This proposal could save Medicare more than $100 billion over the next decade. Ifprivate plans demanded similar productivity savings from providers, and refused to letproviders shift additional costs to them, the savings could be much larger. Critics sayCongress will give in to lobbyists and let inefficient providers off the hook That is far less likelyto happen if Congress also adopts strong upaygo” rules requiring that any increase inpayments to providers be offset by new taxes or budget cuts.

      [F] The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax(消费税)on health insurance plans thatcost more than $8,000 for an individual or $21,000 for a family. It would most likely causeinsurers to redesign plans to fall beneath the threshold. Enrollees would have to pay moremoney for many services out of their own pockets, and that would encourage them to thinktwice about whether an expensive or redundant test was worth it. Economists project thatmost employers would shift money from expensive health benefits into wages. The House billhas no similar tax. The final legislation should.

      [G] Any doctor who has wrestled with multiple forms from different insurers, or patients whohave tried to understand their own parade of statements, know that simplification ought tosave money. When the health insurance industry was still cooperating in reform efforts, itstrade group offered to provide standardized forms for automated processing. It estimated thatstep would save hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade. The bills would lock thatpledge into law.

      [H] The stimulus package provided money to convert the inefficient, paper-driven medicalsystem to electronic records that can be easily viewed and transmitted. This requires openinvestments to help doctors convert. In time it should help restrain costs by eliminatingredundant tests, preventing drug interactions, and helping doctors find the best treatments.

      [I] Virtually all experts agree that the fee-for-service system—doctors are rewarded for thequantity of care rather than its quality or effectiveness—is a primary reason that the cost ofcare is so high. Most agree that the solution is to push doctors to accept fixed payments tocare for a particular illness or for a patient's needs over a year. No one knows how to makethat happen quickly. The bills in both houses would start pilot projects within Medicare. Theyinclude such measures as accountable care organizations to take charge of a patient's needswith an eye on both cost and quality, and chronic disease management to make sure theseriously ill, who are responsible for the bulk of all health care costs, are treated properly. Forthe most part, these experiments rely on incentive payments to get doctors to try them.

      [J] Testing innovations do no good unless the good experiments are identified and expandedand the bad ones are dropped. The Senate bill would create an independent commission tomonitor the pilot programs and recommend changes in Medicare's payment policies to urgeproviders to adopt reforms that work. The changes would have to be approved or rejected as awhole by Congress, making it hard for narrow-interest lobbies to bend lawmakers to their will.

      [K] The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which smallbusinesses and individuals could choose from an array of private plans and possibly a publicoption. All the plans would have to provide standard benefit packages that would be easy tocompare. To get access to millions of new customers, insurers would have a strong incentiveto sell on the exchange. And the head-to-head competition might give them a strongincentive to lower their prices, perhaps by accepting slimmer profit margins or demandingbetter deals from providers.

      [L] The final legislation might throw a public plan into the competition, but thanks to thefierce opposition of the insurance industry and Republican critics, it might not save muchmoney. The one in the House bill would have to negotiate rates with providers, rather thanusing Medicare rates, as many reformers wanted.

      [M] The president's stimulus package is pumping money into research to compare how wellvarious treatments work. Is surgery, radiation or careful monitoring best for prostate (前列腺)cancer? Is the latest and most expensive cholesterol-lowering drug any better than its commoncompetitors? The pending bills would spend additional money to accelerate this effort.

      [N] Critics have charged that this sensible idea would lead to rationing of care. (That would betrue only if you believed that patients should have an unrestrained right to treatments provento be inferior.) As a result, the bills do not require, as they should, that the results of thesestudies be used to set payment rates in Medicare.

      [O] Congress needs to find the courage to allow Medicare to pay preferentially for treatmentsproven to be superior. Sometimes the best treatment might be the most expensive. Butoverall, we suspect that spending would come down through elimination of a lot ofunnecessary or even dangerous tests and treatments.

      [P] The House bill would authorize the secretary of health and human services to negotiatedrug prices in Medicare and Medicaid. Some authoritative analysts doubt that the secretarywould get better deals than private insurers already get. We believe negotiation could work. Itdoes in other countries.

      [Q] Missing from these bills is any serious attempt to rein in malpractice costs. Malpracticeawards do drive up insurance premiums for doctors in high-risk specialties, and there is someevidence that doctors engage in "defensive medicine" by performing tests and treatmentsprimarily to prove they are not negligent should they get sued.

      36. With a tax imposed on expensive health insurance plans, most employers will likelytransfer money from health expenses into wages.

      37. Changes in policy would be approved or rejected as a whole so that lobbyists would find ithard to influence lawmakers.

      38. It is not easy to curb the rising medical costs in America.

      39. Standardization of forms for automatic processing will save a lot of medical expenses.

      40. Republicans and the insurance industry are strongly opposed to the creation of a publicinsurance plan.

      41. Conversion of paper to electronic medical records will help eliminate redundant tests andprevent drug interactions.

      42. The high cost of medical services and unnecessary tests and treatments have driven upmedical expenses.

      43. One main factor that has driven up medical expenses is that doctors are compensated forthe amount of care rather than its effect.

      44. Contrary to analysts' doubts, the author believes drug prices may be lowered throughnegotiation.

      45. Fair competition might create a strong incentive for insurers to charge less.


      36 [F]【译文】昂贵的医保计划会被征税,因此大多数雇主可能会将用在医保上的支出转移到工资上来。

      【定位解析】根据题目关键词 tax,health insurance plans, money 和 wages 定位到 F 段。该段倒数第 3 句指出,经济学家预计,大多数雇主会将用在医保上的支出转移到工资上来。题目中的 transfer money 是原文 shift money 的同义转述,expensive health insurance plans 与原文 expensive health benefits 对应,同时题目复现了原文的 wages 一词,故答案为 F 段。


      【定位解析】根据题目关键词 Changes,be approved or rejected as a whole 和 lawmakers 査找到 J 段最后一句。该句指出,国会只能通过或者否决全部的改革措施,这样一来,狭隘的利益游说集团将很难迫使立法者顺从他们的意愿。本题复现了原词 changes 及 be approved or rejected as a whole,题目中的 influence lawmakers 是对原文 bend lawmakers to their will 的同义转述,故答案为 J 段。

      38 [A]【译文】美国医疗成本的上涨难以控制。

      【定位解析】根据题目关键词 not easy 和 the rising medical costs 可査找到 A 段第 3 句。该句指出,根本就不存在一个方案能够轻易地控制医疗成本的增加。题目中的 not easy 是对原文 no one has an easy fix 的同义转述,故答案为 A 段。

      39 [G]【译文】标准的自动化处理流程可以帮助节省一大笔医疗开支。

      【定位解析】根据题目关键词 standardization of forms for automatic processing 定位至 G 段。该段第 2、3 句提到,其行业集团曾主动为自动化处理流程提供标准化的表格。该举措能在未来十年里节省上千亿美元。题目是对原文这两句的同义概括,故 G 段为答案。

      40 [L]【译文】共和党和保险行业强烈反对设立公共医保计划。

      【定位解析】根据题目关键词 republicans and the insurance industry,strongly opposed 和 public insurance plan 定位到 L 段第 1 句。该句指出,由于保险行业和共和党批评者的强烈反对,这个计划可能无法节省太多的钱。题目复现了原词 insurance industry 和 public plan,而 strongly opposed 是对原文 fierce opposition 的同义转述,故 L 段为答案。

      41 [H]【译文】把纸质病历转换为电子医疗记录可以帮助筛除不必要的检查,防止药物相互作用。

      【定位解析】根据题目关键词 electronic records,redundant tests 和 drug interactions 定位到 H 段。该段最后一句指出,电子医疗记录将能筛除不必要的检查、防止药物相互作用、帮助医生确定最佳治疗方案,以实现节省成本。题目中的 conversion 对应了原文的 convert,故答案为 H 段。

      42 [C]【译文】医疗服务的成本过高以及不必要的试验和诊疗推动医疗费用的上涨。

      【定位解析】根据题目关键词 high cost,unnecessary tests and treatments 和 driven up 定位到 C 段。本段指出,医疗费增长快的主要原因是医疗服务收费过高以及医院和医生会给病人安排多余的诊疗项目。题目中的 high cost 对应原文的 high prices, unnecessary tests and treatments 是对原文 unnecessary care delivered... perform a lot more tests and treatments 的概括,而 driven up 对应文中的 rises,所以答案为 C 段。


      【定位解析】根据题目关键词 main factor, the amount of care 和 effect 定位至 I 段第 1 句。该句指出,医生的收入取决于提供服务的次数而非服务的质量或者效果,这是医疗成本如此之高的主要原因。题目中 main factor 与文中的 primary reason 同义,the amount 对应原文的 the quantity,而 effect 对应文中的 effectiveness,故答案为 I 段。


      【定位解析】根据题目关键词 analysts' doubts 和 negotiation 定位至 P 段。该段第 2、3 句指出,一些权威的分析人士质疑部长能达成比私人保险公司更好的协议,但是作者表示相信谈判能取得成效。题目中的 analysts' doubts 是对原文 analysts doubt that the secretary... already get 的概括,故正确答案为 P 段。

      45 [k]【译文】公平竞争会促使保险公司降低产品定价。

      【定位解析】根据题目关键词 a strong incentive 和 insurers 定位到 K 段。该段最后一句指出,这种正面交锋会促使医保公司降低自家保险产品的定价。题目中的 charge less 是对原文 lower their prices 的同义转述,故 K 段为正确答案。

      46 [C]【定位】根据题目关键词 the use of raw sewage for farming 可知是问有关污水在农业上使用的信息,考查的是考生对整体篇章的理解能力,定位到全文。

      【解析】C 项“其利大于弊”是对第 2 段“那些健康危险远不及社会效益和经济贡献重要”的同义转换,符合文意。

      【干扰项排除】A 项“其风险不能被高估”和 B 项“应完全禁止”在原文中无法找到依据;D 项“正使许多农田受到污染”,以原词 cropland 作干扰,但原文说的是用未经处理的污水对大约 4900 万英亩农田进行灌溉和施肥,文中只是说这种做法有健康风险,不能直接得出结论“这些农田被这些污水污染了”,因此 D 项属过度推测。

      47 [C]【定位】根据题目关键词 the use of wastewater for irrigation 可定位至第 5 段。

      【解析】本题询问污水灌溉导致的主要问题,C 项“农民和消费者都可能受到有害细菌的影响”是对第 5 段首句的概括,符合文意。

      【干扰项排除】A 项“附近的河流和湖泊都将逐渐受到污染”属过度推断,原文第 4 段第 2 句仅仅提到农田的灌溉水主要源于当地的河流或湖泊;原文虽有提及人们用人类排泄物代替化学肥料,但无法证明 B 项“利用污水灌溉会使化肥产商倒闭”;D 项“利用污水灌溉会减少农产品在市场上的竞争力”属于无中生有。

      48[A]【定位】根据题干中的人名 Pay Drechsel 定位至第 5 段末句。

      【解析】本题考查的是 Pay Drechsel 对将未经处理的人类排泄物用于农业的态度,原文第 5 段末句提到他认为使用未经处理的人类排泄物灌溉农田所带来的社会和经济效益比其带来的健康危害重要。说明他支持这一做法,A 项“赞同的”符合题意。

      【干扰项排除】询问观点态度的题目宜采用直选法,考生需准确感知人物观点。B 项“怀疑的”、C 项“冷漠的”以及 D 项“负责的”在文中皆无依据证明。

      49 [B]【定位】根据题干中的人名 Pay Drechsel 及 the risks 定位至第 6 段。

      【解析】本题考查的是 Pay Drechsel 对未经处理的人类排泄物用于农业带来的风险的看法,第六段开头提到这个问题可以通过教育农民和消费者来解决,B 项的 dealt with 是原句 addressed 的同义转述,B 项“可通过教育规避其风险”是正确答案。

      【干扰项排除】A 项“其风险有些被夸大”、C 项“利用新科技可使其风险最小化”和 D 项“其风险可通过改进卫生条件来规避”都不是 Pay Drechsel 对风险的看法。

      50 [A]【定位】根据题干中的人名 James Bartram 定位至最后一段的最后一句。

      【解析】本题考查的是 James Bartram 对人类排泄物用于农业的观点,原文最后他说稍加处理或没有经过处理的排泄物用于农业是有充分理由的,可见他认为将人类排泄物用于农业有其存在的合理性。而从原文第 5 段可知,Pay Drechsel 认为尽管这种做法有危害,但是它带来的社会和经济效益比其危害更重要。因此 A 项“在这个问题上他和 Pay Drechsel 的观点一致”为正确答案。

      【干扰项排除】原文第 3 段提到 Liqa Raschid-Sally 认为污水灌溉利弊共存,James Bartram 也只是承认了有其存在的合理性而已,因此 B 项“他挑战 Iiqa Raschid-Sally 的结论”错误。C 项“他认为这是摆脱当前粮食危机的唯一方法”和 D 项“他认为这是战胜全球贫困所必需都不是 James Bartram 的观点,故排除。






