

时间:2016-10-13 来源:网络 浏览: 分享:




      A.He didn't understand the lecture.

      B.He wanted to discuss it with her.

      C.He didn't attend the lecture.

      D.He intended to copy her notes.


      A.The reason why inactive volcanoes become active.

      B.The inner structure of active volcanoes.

      C.The primary causes of global warming.

      D.The effects of volcanoes under the Antarctic ice sheet.


      A.Why does ice flow out to the ocean?

      B.How does heat prevent ice from melting?

      C.How does water flow into the ocean?

      D.Why does ice sheet have a slippery surface?


      A.The water flowing into the ocean.

      B.The volcanoes' eruption.

      C.The ice flowing into the ocean.

      D.The melting of the interior ice.


      M: Hey, Sue. I was wondering if you could fill me in on Monday's class. (1) I had to go to the dentist for emergency then and I missed Prof. Smith's lecture. What was it on?

      W: It was pretty interesting. (2) He talked about volcanoes, active volcanoes, under the West Antarctic ice sheet.

      M: There are active volcanoes under the ice?

      W: Apparently so. (2) He said they help protect the ice sheet and prevent melting. Flooding will destroy anything, not only there, but all over the world if that ice melted.

      M: (3) You lost me there. Volcanoes are hot. How can something hot prevent ice from melting?

      W: Wait a minute, let me check my notes. Yeah, here it is. Volcanic heat melts just enough ice to create a slippery surface on the bottom of the glacier. This water allows ice to flow out into the ocean. So the solid interior ice is protected from the ocean's warmth. Does that make sense?

      M: Sort of. You mean that because the ice is flowing out to the ocean, the warmer ocean water can't flow in.

      W: Exactly. And Prof. Smith said that (4) if the ice sheet ever broke up and melted, the sea level would go up seven meters. Then we would have those floods.

      M: Is that really possible? Or is it one of those exaggerations you hear all the time?

      W: As far as I can understand, (4) it is possible because of global warming. I mean if the ocean became warmer that interior ice would be very likely to melt.

      M: Thanks for telling me about the lecture. Sounds like I've missed a pretty important class!

      1. Why did the man ask the woman to tell him the lecture?

      2. What was the topic of the professor's lecture?

      3. What information puzzled the man?

      4. What factor may lead to the rise of sea level?

      【小题1】对话一开始男士说,他想知道 Sue 是否能告诉他有关周一那堂课的详细情况,他因为突发状况要去看牙医而错过了 Smith 教授的讲座。因此,C 选项“他未能出席讲座”是正确答案。

      【小题2】本题问的是“教授讲座的主题是什么”,对话中女士首先说 Smith 教授谈到了西部南极冰盖下的活火山,接着又补充说教授提到了冰盖下的活火山可以保护冰盖并阻止其融化。因此,综合来看,选项 D“南极冰原下火山的作用”是正确答案。

      【小题3】本题问的是“什么信息让男士迷惑不解”。在女士介绍完教授讲座的主题后,男士说他有点疑惑,后面紧接着提出了他的问题。因此,选项 B “高温如何防止冰融化”为答案。

      【小题4】对话中女士说,Smith 教授认为,如果冰盖破碎并且融化,海平面将会上升 7 米。男士对此表示质疑,而女士认为由于全球变暖,冰盖内部的冰很有可能融化,从而导致海平面上升。因此,选项 D “(冰盖)内部的冰融化”为答案。





