

时间:2016-10-13 来源:网络 浏览: 分享:




      A.They cannot walk normally.

      B.They always keep crying loudly.

      C.They do the same things repeatedly.

      D.They are indifferent about everything.


      A.The diagnostic instrument is not advanced enough.

      B.The signs of possible autism are not easy to detect.

      C.The health exam is not professional.

      D.Doctors pay little attention to the health exam.


      A.Take their children out as much as possible.

      B.Talk and play with their children.

      C.Correct their children's mistakes in time.

      D.Encourage them to play with other kids.


      A.Autism is more common in girls than boys.

      B.The exact cause of autism is not clearly known.

      C.Doctors are not able to diagnose autism.

      D.Autism will descend from generation to generation.


      (9) Children with autism have difficulty with social skills and communication. They often behave in restricted and repetitive ways and have what seem to be like abnormally interests.

      (12) Autism is more common in boys than girls. What causes it is not clear. Scientists are studying genes and possible environmental influences. Doctors usually cannot confirm a diagnosis of autism until a child is about three years old. Rebecca Landa is a researcher at the Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Maryland. Professor Landa wanted to find out what differences in development might be seen earlier. She led a new study that observed 235 babies between 6 and 36 months of age. By the time a baby is one year old, signs of possible autism include difficulty in using words and not looking eye-to-eye or reacting to other people. By 14 months, the baby might smile less and use language less. (10) However, Professor Landa says these signs can be so small that they might be missed during a short health exam.

      "It's important for parents to notice their children's development, and if a parent is concerned about a child's development, turn to the professionals. The earlier parents notice delays, the sooner they can begin doing simple things that may help improve their child's development. (11) For example: talking to the child about what they are doing, commenting when the child shows them something, and playing simple games to keep the child's attention." she says.

      9. According to the passage, what symptoms may autistic children have?

      10. Why is it difficult to screen out the autistic children during a short health exam?

      11. What should parents do to help children improve their development?

      12. What do we know about autism according to the passage?

      【小题9】短文开头部分提到,自闭症儿童在社交上有障碍,他们表现方式有限,常常做重复的动作,对事物表现出反常的兴趣,因此选项 C“他们反复做相同的事” 与短文内容相符,为正确答案。

      【小题10】短文中提到,可能患自闭症的儿童在一岁时会在言语表达、与人进行眼神交流、接触方面存在困难,到 14 个月时,他们会笑得更少,更少讲话,但 Landa 教授说,这些迹象不是那么明显以至于在短时间的健康检查中可能会被漏查。因此选项 B“可能患自闭症的迹象难以察觉”符合短文内容。

      【小题11】短文最后部分提到,父母可以通过与自闭症患儿谈论他们正在做的事,对儿童展示给父母看的东西做出评价,以及与他们玩一些简单的游戏来吸引其注意力,从而帮助促进患儿的发育。因此选项 B“与孩子们谈话和玩耍”符合短文内容。

      【小题12】短文中提到,自闭症患者中,男孩比女孩更普遍,而导致自闭症的原因尚不清楚。因此选项 B 与短文内容相符。






