
六级口语真题及答案:Why people prefer outdoor sports

时间:2021-07-05 来源:网络 浏览: 分享:

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      Nowadays, with the improvement of people’s living standard, people in growing number get close to nature to build up their body. People prefer outdoor sports for the following reasons.

      Firstly, doing outdoor sports such as running and go hiking can help us build a strong body. For example, when we are running, the muscles in our body are moving as well. We can keep fit in this way. Secondly, doing outdoor sports can train ourendurance. When we persist in the sports, our endurance improves. Thirdly, we could get acquainted with new friends when we are doing outdoor sports. Last but not least, doing outdoor sports enables us to get close to nature and take fresh air. We can relax ourselves from work by doing outdoor sports. Doing outdoor sports brings to us numerous benefits. All these are the reasons why more and more people go outside to take exercise.



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    历年四级真题及答案解析.rar 历年六级真题及答案解析.rar
    大学英语四六级大纲词汇表.pdf 大学英语六级高频词汇.pdf
    大学英语四六级写作模板句型.pdf 历年四级考试重点词汇.pdf




