时间:2021-07-02 来源:网络 浏览:想六级口语考试对答如流、出口成章?怎么能少了六级口语真题及答案加持?文都网校四六级为各位考生带来《六级口语真题及答案:外卖食品》,get更全英语六级试卷就上文都网校四六级!【文末领资料】
Nowadaystake-out foodhas become a fad among many people, especially among the office workers.However,every coin has two sides.For one thing,online meal ordering serves as a convenient way for those who work in the office or who have little time making meals themselves.For another,the meals sold on the Internet may not be as healthy or yummy as you have thought.Besides,it also means that more disposable meal boxes and plastic bags will be used, which will do much harm to the environment.And we should build healthy eating habits, choosing healthy food, and eating regularly.
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历年四级真题及答案解析.rar | 历年六级真题及答案解析.rar |
大学英语四六级大纲词汇表.pdf | 大学英语六级高频词汇.pdf |
大学英语四六级写作模板句型.pdf | 历年四级考试重点词汇.pdf |