时间:2021-06-29 来源:网络 浏览:想六级口语考试对答如流、出口成章?怎么能少了英语六级口语考试真题及答案加持?文都网校四六级为各位考生带来《英语六级口语考试真题及答案:科技进步衍生的正反两面的影响》,get更全六级口语考试真题就上文都网校四六级!【文末领资料】
Perhaps the technology that exerts the most profound influence to people’s lives is internet. Through internet we can work, study, entertain, order food and any other commodity, without actually going to the workplaces, schools, cinemas and shops. In a word, technology progress has brought a lot of benefits to us. However, we can’t neglect the fact that it also does harm to our lives. For example, spending too much on internet results in people’s laziness, reduces people’s chance of face to face communication and is harmful to people’s health.
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历年四级真题及答案解析.rar | 历年六级真题及答案解析.rar |
大学英语四六级大纲词汇表.pdf | 大学英语六级高频词汇.pdf |
大学英语四六级写作模板句型.pdf | 历年四级考试重点词汇.pdf |
- 六级口语考试真题
- 英语六级考试真题及答
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