时间:2020-12-22 来源:文都网校 浏览:2021年上半年英语六级翻译备考已经正式开始了,文都网校四六级小编为大家分享了六级翻译练习题:贵州,希望大家能够从中总结经验,在考试中取得好成绩。
贵州虽然地处中国西部内陆,但早在两千多年前就是中国同世界互联互通的重要通道。穿越云贵高原的“茶马古道”“南方丝绸之路”,将产自中国的丝绸、茶叶源源不断地输往南亚大陆。 今天,随着“一带一路”倡议的实施,贵州凭借自身区位优势,日益成为推动东西方文化交融、民心相通、合作共赢的排头兵和生力军。 贵州素以丰富多彩的民族文化而著称,黔西南布依族人的民族服饰历史悠久、独具特色,堪称中国少数民族服饰文化的瑰宝。
Guizhou is a landlocked province in Southwest China. But for 2,000 years and more, it has been on a major passageway linking China and the world. That was the "ancient tea horse road" and "southern Silk Road" over China's Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. Via this route, silk and tea from China reached as far as South Asia. Today, as China advances the building of the Belt and Road, Guizhou is again showing its geographical advantage. It is becoming a leader in facilitating win-win cooperation, cultural exchange, and friendship between the east and the west. Guizhou Province is known for its diverse ethnic cultures. Qianxinan Prefecture in Guizhou Province is home to the Buyi minority group. The traditional costume of the Buyi minority is highly appreciated for its long history and distinctive features.