时间:2020-12-15 来源:文都网校 浏览:2021年上半年英语六级翻译备考已经正式开始了,文都网校四六级小编为大家分享了六级翻译练习题:孟母三迁,希望大家能够从中总结经验,在考试中取得好成绩。
孟子是中国古代一位著名的哲学家,其影响仅次于孔子。他小时候家住在墓地附近,耳濡目染的都是些有关丧葬礼仪(funeral ceremony)的事情。孟母担心这里的环境对他的影响不好,于是就搬家了。新家靠近集市,孟子又学着商人做买卖,孟母不愿自己的孩子长大成为一个商人,于是又搬家了。第三次的新居在学校附近,孟子就跟着学生学习诗书礼仪(classic and etiquette)。孟母认为找到了理想的地方,于是决定在这里长住下去。由此可见,孟母意识到了环境对孩子成长的影响。
Mencius, whose influence was second only to Confucius, was an eminent philosopher in ancient China. When he was young, his family lived near a cemetery, so he was fully exposed to funeral ceremonies. Mencius' mother was worried that the surroundings would have a negative influence on him, so she decided to move. They moved to a place next to a fair, and Mencius began to learn the ways of business people. His mother didn't want her son to become a businessman so she moved again. This time they moved into a house near a school, and Mencius began to learn the classics and etiquette along with the students. His mother thought this was the right place for him and decided to stay there for good. This shows that Mencius' mother realized the importance of the environment for children's growing up.