时间:2020-09-25 来源:文都网校 浏览:2020年12月英语四级考试报名已悄悄开始,各位同学准备得怎么样了,文都网校四六级小编给大家整理了英语四级翻译练习题:唐装,希望各位考生珍惜宝贵的时光,认真复习。
现代的唐装是从清代马褂(Magua)演变而来。它结合了中国传统元素和西方的立体裁剪法。它的基本样式包括一个中式领、前开口(front opening)和打结的中式钮扣。同时嵌入垫肩(shoulder pads),以便更合身。在2001年的APEC会议中,来自不同国家的领导人穿上了唐装,它因此出名。从那时起,这种新型服装被誉为中国唐装,在中国和海外均享有很高的知名度。
The modern Tangzhuang evolves from the Magua of the Qing Dynasty. It combines traditional Chinese elements and western solid cutting methods. Its basic style includes a Mandarin collar, front opening, and knotted Chinese buttons. Shoulderpads are inserted for a better fit. Because it was worn by leaders from different countries in APEC in 2001, it became famous. From then on, this new kind of clothing has been regarded as Chinese Tangzhuang and has enjoyed great popularity in China and overseas.