
双语阅读∣ “XXX退出XX界”:欧美的抵制文化

时间:2020-08-19 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:

      The term “cancel culture” is appearing in the news a lot lately. But what exactly is “cancel culture?” Here are some explanations, gathered by the Associated Press, from people who have been writing about the issue.

      “抵制文化”这个词最近经常出现在新闻中。但“取消文化”到底是什么呢?以下是美联社(Associated Press)从撰写相关文章的人士处收集的一些说法。

      Writer and reporter George Packer has explained that it is an event where many voices, mostly on social media, try “to silence a point of view that they find offensive by trying to damage or destroy the reputation of the person who has given offense.” Tressie McMillan Cottom has a different opinion. “I don’t think it’s real. But there are reasonable people who believe in it,” the writer and educator said. ”Accountability has always existed. But some people are being held accountable in ways that are new to them.” It "[takes] away the ability of a person with whom you disagree to ever be taken seriously as a writer/editor/speaker/activist/intellectual, or… to be hired or employed,” says Letty Cottin Pogrebin. She is an activist and founding editor of Ms. magazine.

      作家兼记者乔治·帕克(George Packer)解释说,很多人,主要是在社交媒体上,试图“通过破坏冒犯者的名誉来抵制他们认为冒犯的观点。”Tressie McMillan Cottom有不同的观点。“我不这么认为。但也有理性的人相信它,”这位作家和教育家说。“问责制其实一直存在,只不过被问责的方式对一些人来说是新的。“抵制文化是剥夺与你意见不同的人作为作家、编辑、演讲者、活动家、知识分子的权利,或者说让他们找不到工作,”莱蒂•科特丁•波格雷宾(Letty Cottin Pogrebin)说。她是一名活动家,也是《女士》杂志的创始编辑。

      In tweets, online letters, opinion pieces and books, people from every political point of view are angry about what they consider a growing intolerance for other opinions. A Politico/Morning Consult public opinion study released last week shows 44 percent of Americans disapprove of it, 32 percent approve and the remaining 24 percent had no opinion or said they did not know what it was. There are recent examples of unpopular “cancellations.” They include reports of what happened to the owner of several Minneapolis food stores. His business was threatened with boycotts after his daughter wrote words on social media that were offensive.


      A few weeks ago, more than 100 artists and thinkers signed a letter co-written by Packer and published by Harper’s. It warned against big thinking that weakens free and open discussion and demands conformity of thought. The letter was signed by many people with different political ideas, from far-left Noam Chomsky to the conservative David Frum.

      几周前,100多位艺术家和思想家共同签署了一封由帕克共同撰写并由哈珀出版社出版的联名信。信中警告说,“抵制文化”只会会削弱自由和开放的讨论,追求思想的一致性。从极左翼的诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)到保守派的大卫·弗拉姆(David Frum),许多持不同政治观点的人在这封信上签了名。

      “The only speech these powerful people seem to care about is their own,” the feminist writer Jessica Valente wrote about the Harper’s letter. It “is certainly not about free speech…‘canceled’ is a label we all understand, a powerful person who’s been held to account,” she wrote.

      女权主义作家杰西卡·瓦伦特(Jessica Valente)在谈到这封信时写道:“这些有权势的人似乎只关心自己的话语权。”“抵制文化与言论自由无关,‘抵制’是我们都理解的一个标签,就是让有权有责的人也承担责任。

      However, “cancel culture” remains hard to define because it appears to have no limits. It has no single cause, ideology or punishment.


      cancel culture



      vt.取消,注销; 抵消,偿还; 〈数〉约去


      cancel culture在去年还是一个新兴词,今年已经变成了司空见惯的形象。近些时候,在欧美的社交媒体上甚至还再次掀起了热潮。所谓“cancel culture”指的是抵制文化,明星名人会因为一句话或一个举止被网友抵制,甚至从此告别公众视野。其实相似的文化现象在我们中国也有,也会有“把XXX赶出娱乐圈”的一些网络事件。近些天,美联社又做了一期关于cancel culture的报道,我们看看在美媒视角下的“抵制文化”。






