时间:2020-04-27 来源:新华网 浏览:雄安新区位于北京市西南100公里处,位于京津冀地区核心腹地,由河北省保定市所辖雄县、容城、安新3县组成。文都网校四六级小编给大家整理了相关四级词汇。
雄安新区:Xiongan New Area
起步区:Initial Development Zone
启动区:“Boot” Pilot Area
控制性规划:Master Plan
承接非首都功能疏解:Transfer of non-essential capital city functions
千年大计,国家大事:a millennium plan and a great national event
雄安质量:“Xiongan Quality”
主城区:downtown area
坚持首要定位:hold primary position
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想:Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
坚持绿色优先:prioritize green development
以人民为中心:put people first
蓝绿交织,清新明亮,水城共融, 人与自然和谐共:Human and nature coexist harmoniously in the lake city featuring blue sky and verdant fields
空间弹性:flexibility of space
承接存量,吸引增量:taking on non-essential capital city functions from Beijing and attracting more projects to settle
高起点规划,高标准建设,高质量发展:plans with high starting point, construction of high standards and development of high quality
政府主导,市场运作:government-led and market-oriented operation
分类分步,有序承接:make the transfer in an orderly and category-by-category manner
公共服务设施配套:supporting facilities for public service
中西合璧,以中为主,古今交融:combining Chinese and Western elements, with the Chinese as the core, while integrating ancient and modern styles
城市组团:city clusters
事业单位:public institutions
北城,中苑,南淀:north city group, central city-lake transitional space and south lake area
城淀共生共融:integration and co-existence of city and lake
生态绿廊:ecological green corridor
五片,三带,多中心:Five City Clusters, Three Belts and Multi-Centers
产城融合:integration of industry and city
职住均衡:balance between work and housing
功能发展带:functional development belt
功能节点:functional node
15分钟生活圈:15-minute radius community life circle
东西轴线:east-west axis
相对集中,适度分散:relatively centralized, moderately distributed
五位一体总体布局:“five-in-one” general layout
京雄城际站点:Beijing-Xiongan intercity train station
外围生态用地:ecological land in outer surrounding area
绿廊:green corridor
宜望淀,慎邻淀,禁入淀:keeping a distance away from the lake area, being cautious about building close to the lake area and forbidding construction in the lake area
大溵古淀:Da Yin Ancient Lake
控制线:regulatory line
规划单元:planning unit
第五立面:the fifth façade
规划管控:plan control
“创新岛”: “innovation island”
滨水景观:waterfront landscape
传统营城理念:traditional urban planning concept
“金融岛”: “financial island”
南阳遗址公园:Nanyang historic site park
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2020年6月大学英语四级实力抢分班 | 何凯文、刘一男、夏伟、周冰 | 99 | |
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