2020年6月英语四级翻译人物类练习题: 鲁迅
时间:2020-01-09 来源:文都网校 浏览:2019年下半年英语四级考试结束了,整体来看,英语考试长线备考效果更佳,因此,文都网校四六级小编给大家整理了英语四级翻译练习题:人物篇,有关四级成绩查询等问题关注文都网校。
鲁迅是作家周树人的笔名,生于1881年,其家庭有深厚的儒家背景(Confucian background)。由于家道中落,鲁迅的童年充满了苦难。1904年,他去了日本仙台学医,但很快意识到中国对“精神医学”的需要远远超过治疗身体疾病的需要。因此,鲁迅在1906年回到东京,决定放弃医学,投身于教育和文学事业。他一直被视为中国20世纪最伟大的现代作家。毛主席称他为“中国文化革命的主将”。
Lu Xun is the pen name of the writer born asZhou Shuren in 1881 in a family with a deepConflician background.Owing to the decline ofhis family fortunes,Lu Xun’s childhood was filledwith hardship. In 1904, he went to Sendai, inJapan,to study medicine,but he soon realized that China needed far more"spiritualmedicine”,than treatment for physical ills.Therefore, he returned to Tokyo in 1906,anddecided to give up studying medicine and devote himself to education and literature.LuXun has been considered as China's greatest modern writer during the 20thcentury.Chairman Mao called him "commander of China's cultural revolution" .