时间:2019-11-26 来源:文都网校 浏览:2019年下半年英语四级翻译侧重考核文化、历史和社会发展方面,为帮助大家在剩下的时间内有所突破,文都网校小编给大家准备的四级翻译预测题,快快来练习吧!
中国香烟占全球香烟的三分之一,每年因吸烟而死亡的人数超过100 万人。2015 年 6 月,北京实施“史上最严”的控烟条例,除了所有公共场所、工作场所室内区域及公共交通工具禁止吸烟外,部分室外场所也被列入禁烟范围,违反禁令的烟民,最高罚款200元。公共场所禁烟不仅是一种革除国民陋习、倡导社会公德的进步举措,也是净化生活环境、保障人民健康的民生工程。
One third of the worlds cigarettes are smoked in China, where over one million people die from smoking every year.In June 2015, the most rigorous regulation on smoking control was put into effect in Beijing.Besides the enclosed public places, job offices and public transportation,smoking is banned in some outdoor places.The smokers who go against the ban will be fined for 200 Yuan.Smoking control in public places will help to get rid of the bad habits of the citizens and promote the so- cial morality.It is also beneficial for environment and peoples health.