

时间:2019-10-21 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:


      话题:your ideal college life

      个人陈述:what do you like best in your college life


      1.do you th¡nk it is necessary toatténd college

      2.what do you want to do after college


      个人陈述:what do you like best in your college life


      I study in this university because it helps me deyelop the necessary theoretical buildup and research skills through my undergraduate program in 自己专业,aiso, this school provides me the opportunity to do deeper analysis so maybe after graduation,I will consider myself qualified for a challenging graduate program.I want to study 专业 there because the university is particularly strong in this program, with advanced facilities,

      abundant research funds, and outstanding researchers. My potential advisor Prof.你指导老师的名字,a distinguished 学科领域,has beenperforming some very pioneering research.


      do you think it is necessary toattend college

      what do you want to do after college


      Attending colÍege is beneficial for the development of the society. As we know, ... will provide more positions for college graduates, like, w¡ll increase fhe employment rate which is one of the key points for social stability. Actually, it serves as a mirror to remind people the degree of acity s development.

      My dream after graduation is to be a horticulturist,growing plants in the garden and bein gsurrounded by flowers andgreens.Firstly,l always think that for people living in the metropolis, manual work in the garden orin the field is healthy for both the body and the mind. Íhe ploughingand sowing experience gives me the chance to sweat under the sun and taking care of them gives me the feeling of joy and satisfaction.Secondly, the plants are living things so seeing the healthy growth and the blossom are exciting and rewarding. As the plants are delicate and tender, I nieed to exercise my attention to details,and that is a must-have quality for ag entle person. From all of reasonal mentioned above, we can see that being a horticulturist makes me a more patient person,which is a great quality to have.





