时间:2018-12-04 来源:文都网校 浏览:2018年英语六级写作作为六级考试的开端,写得好,写的顺利,对于接下来答题信心会有很大的提升,为了帮助大家在冲刺阶段做好备考,文都小编整理了英语六级作文预测话题,大家可以练习一下。
Traditionally, on the path of a world civilization stands a serious obstacle. Chinese Reform and Opening Up has acted as a driving force for the extensive cultural blending. An increasing number of foreigners are now developing an interest in Chinese traditional cultures. At the same time, their Chinese counterparts' lifestyles are gradually penetrated by western cultures. As a result, the global cultures have become more diverse by incorporating a wealth of useful elements. 传统上来看,通往世界文明的道路上矗立着一个严 重障碍:一道看不见的猜疑、无知和恐惧之墙将西方与中国分隔开来。中国的改革开放成为推动双方广泛文化交流的推动力。越来越多的外国人对中国的传统文化和少数民族文化产生兴趣。与此同时, 西方文化也逐渐渗透到中国人的生活方式之中。因此,通过吸收许多有益的元素世界文明变得更加多 样化。
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