时间:2017-11-24 来源:文都网校 浏览:不准随地吐痰
“No spitting !”
With sars gradually pas sing its peak , more and more people take off their gauze masks . they feel released and have more fr eedom to br eathe in f res h air . however , a ce rtain number of people have r estor ed their bad habit and star t to spit everywhe re . now and then , whether in the st reet , or on the bus , or in city garden s , we will see some people , the fine ladies and gentlemen , spit ting without feeling a bit ashamed as shown in the picture . when s hown the“ no spit ting !”sign , they just turn a blind eye to it . still worse, people a rou nd have to be on gua rd again st the sudden at tack of“ spits hot”from the spitters .
Spitting is a te r rible habit . for one thing , it is entir ely uncivilized . the world has ent ered the 21st century and human civilization has reached a mor e advanced st age . why can’t those people remove this ugly habit ? is it because they think the ea rth is a gigantic spit toon ? for anothe r thing, spit ting does gr eat harm to pu blic health . according to chemical laboratory test , one sputum contains thousands upon thou sands of germs and sars viruses if the spitte r is a sars suffe rer . as was r epor ted , the beijing municipal government once mobilized an a rmy of a thousand sanitation workers to clean out the mess in tian an men square .
For people to get rid of this uncivilized behaviour , we suggest local authorities st rengthen education by publicizing the harmfulness of spit ting , and at the same time , enforce the law of punishment .
Finally , we , citizens of the ear th , must be self-disciplined, love our mother ear th and don’t dir ty her .
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