时间:2017-11-21 来源:文都网校 浏览:纵观历年真题,四级翻译还是偏传统文化风,所以日常积累必不可少。除了注意积累词汇、句型外,还要多加练习,以避免诸如名词单复数使用不当、主谓不一致等低级错误的发生。下面是小编为大家提供的英语四级翻译训练,希望对广大考生有帮助!
华佗是中国东汉(the Eastern Period)和三国时期(the Three Kingdoms Period)著名的医生。他擅长各个医学领域,尤其是外科手术。他被后人称为“外科圣手”(Surgeon Master)”和“外科鼻祖(Founder of Surgery)”。他是一个受过良好教育的人,熟悉古典文学。然而,他拒绝了高官的推荐,决定做一名给老百姓治病的医生。他在开处方和治疗疾病方面技术精湛。此外,他的名字总是和外科手术相联系,因为他被认为是中国第一个外科医生。
Hua Tuo was a renowned Chinese doctor during the Eastern Han Dynasty andthe Three Kingdoms Period.He was good at all fields of medicine,particularly at surgical operations.He was regarded as the “Surgeon Master” and the “Founder of:Surgery”,He was a well-educated man and was familiar with classical literature.However,he refused the recommendation by high officials,and decided to become a doctor to cure the diseases of the common people.He was highly skilled in writing out prescription and curing illness.In addition,his name is always mentioned in relation to surgeiy, as he was considered the first surgeon in China.
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