时间:2017-11-15 来源:文都网校 浏览:纵观历年真题,四级翻译还是偏传统文化风,所以日常积累必不可少。除了注意积累词汇、句型外,还要多加练习,以避免诸如名词单复数使用不当、主谓不一致等低级错误的发生。下面是小编为大家提供的英语四级翻译训练,希望对广大考生有帮助!
敦煌莫高窟(Mogao Grottoes)通常被人们称为千佛石窟。现今共有492个石窟,其中的壁画覆盖面积达4.5万平方米,包括2415座彩色石雕。尽管经历了几千年的风沙侵蚀,壁画仍保持其鲜艳的色彩且图像清晰可辨。彩色黏土(clay)雕塑和莫高窟壁画诞生于同一时期。随后的几千年,莫高窟经历了重建和完善,也吸收了西方古代艺术的优点,已成为中国艺术珍品中的一颗璀璨明珠。
The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is also known as the Thousand Buddha caves. In all there are 492 grottoes, with wall paintings covering 45,000 square meters, and containing 2,415 painted stone carvings. In spite of the erosion caused by wind and drifting sand for some thousand years, the murals still keep their bright colors and are clearly discernible. The painted clay figures and the murals in Mogao Caves came into being at the same time. The ensuing thousand years witnessed their recreation, perfection as well as absorption of the merits of western ancient arts. It has become a brilliant pearl in the Chinese art treasure troves.
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- 2017英语四级翻译
- 2017英语四级翻译
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