时间:2017-08-31 来源:文都网校 浏览:大学生在备战英语六级期间,可以适当的阅读一些英文资料,提升自己的语感,培养自己对于英语的阅读兴趣。考生面对这种文章时,不需要精读里面所有的单词,只需要在读的过程中猜测词汇的意思,提升自己在英语六级阅读中的猜词能力。一下是小编为大家整理的美文。
Women dominate more and more of the economy, from employment to educational degrees and wage increases.
Now, they're starting to gain ground in one of the last hold-outs of male dominance: rich lists.
Britain's Sunday Times Rich List of the 1,000 richest people in the U.K. included a record number of women ─ 105. That's up from 99 in 2010. All of the women have fortunes of $114 million or more.
Associated Press伯特瑞利(Kirsty Bertarelli)英国《星期日泰晤士报》富豪榜列出的英国1000位最富有者中,女性人数达到创纪录的105位。这一数字高于2010年时的99位。所有的上榜女性都拥有不少于1.14亿美元的财富。
At first glance, this is a sign of the growing economic power of women and women-owned businesses. Among those topping the list of rich women are Dame Mary Perkins, the co-founder of Specsavers, and Britain's sixth richest woman worth $1.88 billion, J.K. Rowling, the empress of all things Harry Potter.
Yet women still only account for 10% of the rich. And most of their wealth came from divorce, marriage or inheritance. The richest woman in the U.K. is Kirsty Bertarelli, a songwriter and former Miss U.K whose husband founded the Serono biotech company.
Ranking number two is Charlene de Carvalho, the Heinken beer heiress with $6.8 billion. Lady Green, wife of retail magnate Philip Green, ranks third, also with $6.8 billion.
Divorcees round out most of the rest of the list ─ from Slavicia Ecclestone, the former wife of the Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone, to Irana Abramovich, the ex of Roman Abramovich, who has 155 million pounds.
An article in the London Telegraph explains that one reason for the rise in rich U.K. women is that London has become the 'divorce capital of the world,' since a series of court rulings granted large awards to the wives of rich foreign citizens living in London. ?
Still, the pattern is fairly similar in the U.S., where the number of self-made women on the Forbes list also remains at about 10%, with the vast majority of the other rich women making their wealth from inheritance, divorce or spouses.
Do you think women will ever outnumber men on the rich lists? Why not?
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