时间:2017-08-31 来源:文都网校 浏览:大学生在备战英语六级期间,可以适当的阅读一些英文资料,提升自己的语感,培养自己对于英语的阅读兴趣。考生面对这种文章时,不需要精读里面所有的单词,只需要在读的过程中猜测词汇的意思,提升自己在英语六级阅读中的猜词能力。一下是小编为大家整理的美文。
U.N. scientists are predicting that an increase in heat waves is almost certain this century, along with a greater frequency of natural disasters across the globe as the Earth’s climate warms.
The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel (IPCC), has released a new report in Uganda’s capital Kam-pala, urging countries to come up with disaster management plans to adapt to the growing risk of extreme weather events linked to human-induced climate change. The report allows for variables based on future greenhouse gas , but concludes that extreme weather is likely to increase. The report also says tropical cyclones are likely to , but the ones that do form are expected to be even more destructive.
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