时间:2017-08-29 来源:文都网校 浏览:暑假马上就要结束了,考生的英语六级考试准备的怎么样了?单词背了么?阅读做了么?作文写了么?快快来和小编一起练习英语六级作文吧!以下是小编为大家整理的有关英语六级作文的范文,希望可以帮助大家练习英语六级作文。
in the examination hall
when i was walking along the passage , i saw many students waiting outside the examination hall . i got the doors open , and they entered the hall one by one . i knew that they were excited from their whispering mouth s . obviously , they were t rying to r ecall what they had memorized .
the examination hall was clean and order ly . all the des ks and chairs wer e ar ranged six by seven in str aight lines . the a tmosphere showed tha t an impor tant event would soon happen , and it seemed that the students’future would be decided a t this very moment .
there was li , sit ting in the middle of the third row, a diligent boy who would like to ask questions . he now looked tired and nervous , and his eyes wer e sur rounded by two big black circles . i could make out that he must have spent the whole night prepa ring himself for today’s examination . in an instant , the bell broke the silence . li became
extr emely excited , his lip s and hands t rembling hyst erically , his feet moving involuntarily .
the examination paper s we re dist ributed to the students . they quickly glanced a t the questions and star ted working immediately . some heaved a heavy sigh of relief , some wore a smile on their lip s , while some other s sc ratched their heads savagely . a smile flicke red through li’s face, but he lost no time to sta rt working .
soon , the hall was drowned in the noise of scra tching paper and regula r breathing .
the bell r ang again and all papers we re handed in . all the students str eamed out of the hall , bu sily exchanging their opinions and results . among them was li , who , though wea ring a somewhat triump hant smile, looked ext remely exhausted as if he had gone through a ba ttle .
文都名师助力通关2017年12月四六级考试 | |
2017年12月大学英语四级畅学保险班 | 2017年12月大学英语六级畅学保险班 |
热点聚焦 | 备考交流 |
2017年6月四六级查分入口已开通 | 英语四六级成绩查询全攻略 |
2017四六级考试备考资料大放送 | 七夕,你们准备好了么? |
四六级:暑期有效提升阅读能力 | 424,扎心了我的四六级! |
2017年12月英语六级必备词汇汇总 | 我们是谁?四六级备考党! |