时间:2017-06-08 来源:文都网校 浏览:各位有经验的考生可能都知道,六级写作在考前进行突击的效果可是立竿见影的哦!距离2017年6月英语六级考试只有一个多星期了,文都网校小编提醒各位考生一定要抓紧时间进行复习!小编根据今年的热点信息整理了2017年6月英语六级作文考前预测题,希望能够帮到大家!
2. 面对“假日经济”的热潮,人们态度各异
3. 在我看来…
Holiday Economy
Holiday economy is not new to people all aroundthe world. In China, it stands for the nationwide one-week holiday starting from October 1st(the National Day). The government established the week-long holiday back in 1999 tostimulate domestic spending. Tour operators, retailers, and wedding halls have been cashingin ever since.
However, there are shifting perspectives about holiday economy. Many people, includingsome economists, think positively about holiday economy. They believe that tourism-basedholiday economy has increased consumption and helped to spur the domestic demands. Whileothers, who worry about the negative effect of holiday economy, argue that holiday economydo more harm than good. For example, during the extended holiday, scenic spots areoverloaded with tourists, and it not only spoils the relaxing mood of the tourists, but alsooverburdens the tourist attractions.
In my opinion, both sides are reasonable. We should take good advantages of the holidayto develop economy while trying to tackle the problems existed with practical measures. Only inthis way can we not only enjoy the pleasure golden week endows us, but also promote thedevelopment of holiday economy soundly.
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