时间:2017-06-05 来源:文都网校 浏览:17号上午九点英语四级就要开考了,同学们复习的怎样了?千万不要抱着侥幸心理进行裸考哟!以下是小编为大家准备的2017年6月英语四级翻译考前预测题,希望大家在考前抓紧时间练一练。
武则天,中国历史上唯一的一位女皇帝,于唐朝(the Tang Dynasty )690年称帝。虽然她很残暴,但是她对国家的统治还是比较成功的。她任人唯贤,完全不考虑其家庭地位。通过奖励积极发展农业的官员,惩罚对农民课征重税的官员,武则天极大地促进了农业的发展。中国的佛教(Buddhism)在她统治期间也发展到了顶峰。宋庆龄评价她为“封建时代(feudal period)杰出的女政治家”。
1.第1句中的“中国历史上唯一的一位女皇帝”可按原文结构译成the only female emperor in Chinese history,用逗号隔开,作“武则天”的同位语。“于唐朝690年”作时间状语,置于句末。按照英文表达习惯,小 的时间放在大的时间点之前,故表达为in 690, the Tang Dynasty。
2.第3句中的“她任人唯贤”可套用表强调的句型it is... that来表达,译作It is talents that she...。“完全不考虑其家庭地位”可译为并列结构and didn't consider their family status at ail,但这样处理稍显生硬, 可用作状语的介词短语来表达,译为 without considering their family status 或 regardless of their family status。
3.翻译第4句“通过奖励……,惩罚……,武则天极大地促进了农业的发展”时,先译出主干(She greatly improved agriculture),“促进......的发展”是中文固定表达,英译时省译“发展”(development),直接译为improved...即可。“通过奖励……,惩罚……”表方式,故将其处理成方式状语,用介词短语by rewarding the officials... and punishing those...来表达。定语“积极发展农业的”较长,可将其处理为定语从句 actively developed agriculture,或用分词短语 actively developing agriculture 来表达。
4.第6句中的“......发展到了顶峰”可用动词peak来表达,也可译为get to the peak/highest point等。时间状语“在她统治期间”表达为during her reign,置于句末。
Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in Chinese history, declared herself emperor in 690, the Tang Dynasty. Although she was very cruel, her rule over the country proved to be quite successful. It is talents that she appointed officials, regardless of their family status. She greatly improved agriculture by rewarding the officials who actively developed agriculture and punishing those imposing heavy tax on peasants. Chinese Buddhism also peaked during her reign. Song Qingling regarded her as an outstanding female politician in the feudal period.
传统中医(traditional Chinese medicine)可以不借助任何仪器给病人治病,堪称奇迹。“望”、“闻”、“问”、(pulse taking)为传统中医诊断的四个方法。“望”指通过直接观察病人体表来了解情况。“闻”,就是听声音、 闻气味(odour),病人的发声和气味有助于医生收集诊断信息。“问”为咨询症状及先前的治疗情况。“切”即医生给病人“把脉”从而得知病人体内的变化。
1.第1句句末的“堪称奇迹”,是对句子主干内容的补充说明,故可处理成非限制性定语从句which is a wonder,置于句末;也可将其处理成It is a wonder that..句型,将原文的主句部分处理成that引导的同位语从句。
2.第2句中的“望”、“闻”、“问”是翻译的难点,考生不能只看其字面义就译成seeing, smelling和asking,而需根据下文给出的具体定义来翻译。由下文可知,“望”实际是指观察病人,故可译为observing;“闻”包括“听”和“闻”两方面,故译为listening and smelling;“问”指咨询、询问病人,故译为inquiring。
3.最后四句对“望”、“闻”、“问”、“切”分别进行了解释,如果逐句对译为observing is...,listening and smelling is...,inquiring is...,pulse taking is...,则重复使用了is,显单调。译文采用了三个不同的谓语动词indicate refer to, suggest,行文更生动。
It is a wonder that doctors of traditional Chinese medicine could cure patients without any equipment. The four diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine consist of observing, listening and smelling, inquiring and pulse taking. Observing indicates that doctors directly watch the outward appearance to find out a patient's condition. Listening and smelling refers to listening the sound and smelling the odour of the patient, which is helpful for doctors to collect messages to diagnose. Inquiring suggests that doctors question the patient so as to know the symptoms and previous treatments. Pulse taking refers that doctors measure the pulse condition of patients to know their internal change.
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