时间:2017-06-05 来源:文都网校 浏览:距离2017年6月英语六级考试只有十多天了,文都网校小编提醒各位考生一定要抓紧时间进行复习!很多通过六级考试的朋友可能都有同感,考前突击六级写作的效果可谓是是立竿见影!因此,小编在这里为大家整理了英语六级写作冲刺训练,大家可要坚持练习哦!
Is failure a bad thing?
1. 失败是人之常事
2. 失败不是坏事
3. 你对失败的认识
Many people try hard to avoid failure because they tempt to think that failure is bad and a person without success is failure and failure means underdog. But the truth is, everyone meets failure in life, and only find that it is just like your own shadow accompanying you all your lives.
However, hold a different view, failure is not a bad thing.Great people are not born successful, they are great only because they have tempered their personality and remedied their deficiencies through experiencing countless failures and defeats. Failure inspires people to overcome hardships and difficulties and achieve the final success. Indeed, we cannot always hope to embrace success if we accept failure.But if we harness it and take it as our source of inspiration, we may ultimately enjoy the glory of success
Through some people consider failure a stumbling block on the road to success, but I see it as stairway to great accomplishments. I will recognize disadvantages from my temporary defeat, draw lessons from it, and grow stronger each time I cope with a difficulty. Failure is not a bad thing, seriously.
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- 英语六级作文备考
- 英语六级作文考前冲刺
- 责任编辑:wjz