时间:2017-06-05 来源:文都网校 浏览:各位考生们,2017年上半年英语六级笔试考试将在6月17日进行,距离2017年6月英语六级考试只有十多天啦!你们的英语六级翻译复习的如何了?文都网校小编在这里为大家准备了2017年6月英语六级翻译考前预测题,大家在考前一定要抓紧时间进行练习哦!
文房四宝(Four Treasures of the Study)是中国书法传统书写工具的统称,包括笔、墨、纸、砚(inkstone)。“文房”指的是学者的书房。除了这四宝,书房里的工具还有笔筒、笔架、墨盒、腕托、笔洗、墨块(inkpad),这些都是书房必备品。唐宋是书法的繁荣时期,当时著名的生厂商制造的经典文房四宝被后世学者高度赞扬。中国传统文化及艺术的发明和发展与文房四宝密切相关。在某种程度上,文房四宝代表了中国传统文化的重要元素。
The Four Treasures of the Study,is a general name of the traditional writing tools of Chinese calligraphy, including writing brush, ink, paper and inkstone. The name of Wenfang refers to a scholar's study. Besides these four treasures, tools used in the study also include brush pots, brush rack,ink box, wrist-rest, brush washer and inkpad, all of which are necessities of the study. Classical products of the Four Treasures of the Study made by famous producers during the Tang and Song Dynasties, when styles of writing were very prosperous, were highly praised by later scholars.The invention and development of China's traditional culture and art are closely related to the Four Treasures of the Study.And to some extent,the Four Treasures of the Study represents an important element of traditional Chinese culture.
1.“文房”指的是:其中“指的是”译为refer to。“文房”用汉语拼音Wenfang表示即可。
2.除了…还有:此处可用besides或in addition to表达,而不用except,因为except表示“除去不计,不包括…在内”。
3.经典:可译为classical。classical products意为“经典产品”。
4.和…密切相关:可译为be closely related to…
5.在某种程度上:可译为短语to some extent或in some degree。
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- 2017年6月英语六
- 责任编辑:wjz