时间:2017-05-12 来源:文都网校 浏览:各位考生朋友们,2017年上半年英语六级口语考试准考证打印已经于5月11日开始啦!这次口语考试将在5月20-21日进行,各位考生千万要好好准备哦~口试都来了,笔试当然就不远啦!今天小编给大家带来了英语六级冲刺备考作文话题,希望能够帮到大家!
My View on the Student Loan System
China's Ministry of Education has carried out an education loan system for years.The government grants interest-free loan to millions of college students from poor families every year.However, some student debtors fail to repay their loans, even after graduation.
It is the national priority to push the whole education,in which students from poverty-stricken families have the right to be offered the money and the fair opportunities.Our government has a duty to provide and protect a comprehensive and high-quality education for its entire citizen.Accordingly, the students have to pay back the money during and after their school days.Credit is supposed to be presented as well as money.
Otherwise, they, the loan defaulters, lose their credits, which is not the result of our education.To be honest is the best policy.Students learn the technical and survival skills, and they, first of all, have to learn to be a human.
文都名师助力2017年6月英语四六级考试通关课程 | |
2017年6月大学英语四级VIP定制班 | 2017年6月大学英语六级VIP定制班 |
热点聚焦 | 备考交流 |
2016年12月四六级成绩查询入口 | 2017年上半年英语四级口语考试题型构成 |
2016.12四级考试答案及解析(文都版) | 2017年上半年英语六级考试口语考试评分标准 |
2017年上半年英语四六级报名时间 | 2017年6月英语四级高频词汇 |
2016.12六级级考试答案及解析(文都版) | 2017年6月英语六级高频词汇 |