时间:2017-04-18 来源:文都网校 浏览:各位考生朋友们!2017年英语六级备考正在进行中,对于英语六级翻译,小编提醒大家,应该在平时加强练习积累词汇和句子!下面是小编为大家整理的017年上半年英语六级翻译练习题,希望能够帮到大家!
(1) The shift from silent to sound film at the end of the 1920s marks, so far, the most important transformation in motion picture history. (2) Despite all the highly visible technological developments in theatrical and home delivery of the moving image that have occurred over the decades since then, no single innovation has come close to being regarded as a similar kind of watershed. (3) In nearly every language, however the words are phrased, the most basic division in cinema history lies between films that are mute and films that speak.
(2)“没有任何一项发明可以与其相比”译为“no single innovation has come close to being regarded as a similar kind of watershed”。“watershed”为分水岭的意思,这里是用的意译。
(4)“默片”译为“films that are mute”,“有声电影”译为“films that speak”。为了保持语言结构的对称,“默片”和“有声电影”的翻译都采用了定语从句的结构。
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