时间:2017-03-29 来源:文都网校 浏览:准确无误的用词,变化多样的句式都可以帮助考生在英语四级翻译考试中取得好成绩,那么如何才能提高自己的翻译水平呢?最好的办法就是有技巧地练习了。下面就是一道英语四级翻译练习题,快动笔练习一下吧,小编希望大家能够翻译的越来越地道。
香港是坐落于中国南端的-个弹丸小岛,150多年前,还被形容为“荒芜之地”(barren rock)。优越的战略位置、通讯条件(communications)和商业文化,促进了香港经济和社会迅速发展。如今,香港已发展成为一个 国际金融商贸中心,并与近200个国家和地区的公司有商业往来。在日趋全球化的经济中,香港正扮演着一个 非常重要的角色。我们相信,香港的未来会更加光明灿烂。
Hong Kong is a tiny island in southern China. It was described as a "barren rock" over 150 years ago. Due to its superior strategic location, communications and business culture, Hong Kong's economy and society are greatly boosted. Now it has become a financial and trading center in the world. It has commercial links with corporations in nearly 200 countries and regions. Hong Kong is playing an important role in the increasingly globalized economy. We believe that Hong Kong will have a brighter and more brilliant future.
文都名师助力2017年6月英语四六级考试通关课程 | |
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