

时间:2016-10-13 来源:网络 浏览: 分享:




      A.The customer made it himself.

      B.There was not scratch on it before.

      C.The customer should have checked it.

      D.That isn't the most important thing.


      A.They were lost on the underground.

      B.They were lost in the shop.

      C.They were difficult to be put in ears.

      D.They were not soundproof.


      A.He was annoyed at the salesgirl's excuse.

      B.He was so grateful for the salesgirl's help.

      C.He had a terrible quarrel with the salesgirl.

      D.He was worried about his headphones.


      A.A photo of the scratch.

      B.The receipt.

      C.An application for exchange.

      D.A photo of the headphone.


      W: Sir, can I help you?

      M: Yes, you see I bought this personal stereo at your shop three days ago. And I'm afraid that it hasn't really matched up to what I was told about it.

      W: I see. What exactly is the matter?

      M: Well, look, there's a large scratch across the front of it.

      W: I see that. But I'm sorry. I think you should have noticed that when you bought it.

      M: I can't because it's in the box and all sealed up.

      W: Well, I am sorry, (1) but actually it is your responsibility to check the goods when you buy them.

      M: That's ridiculous. But, anyway, it's not the most important thing. I am really not happy about the other thing.

      W: And what is that?

      M: Look, (2) it says here that the noise from it should be undetectable by other people.

      W: Yes, that's right.

      M: (2) But people do hear it, and it's really embarrassing when people look at me on the bus and the underground.

      W: Well, I am sorry. Are you sure you've used the headphones?

      M: (3) Look, I know how to put earphones in my ears. It must be something wrong with it. How do you deal with it?

      W: Well, I suppose we could exchange it for another model if you like.

      M: OK.

      W: (4) Well if I just could have the receipt.

      M: Sure, here it is.

      1. How does the salesgirl think about the scratch on the product?

      2. What do we know about the man's headphones?

      3. What was the man's reaction to the salesgirl's explanation about the headphones?

      4. What should the man provide for exchanging the product?

      【小题1】对话一开始男士说自己买的立体声播放机前面有划痕,女售货员一再坚持男士在购买商品时有责任检查商品。选项 C 与对话内容相符,故选 C。

      【小题2】男士在对话中提到本来人们应该听不到播放机发出的声音,但是人们确实能听到,这让他十分尴尬。选项 D 与对话内容相符,故选 D, soundproof 意为“隔音的”。

      【小题3】在男士指出耳机不隔音的问题后,女售货员问他是否戴了耳机,对此男士回答“我知道怎样将耳机放在耳朵里。”从男士回答的语气中可以看出,男士已经非常生气了。选项 A 与对话内容相符,故选 A。

      【小题4】对话中女士说,如果有收据就可以换货。选项 B 与对话内容相符,故选 B。






