
2017年6月四级:仔细阅读Text 2答案解析

时间:2017-06-17 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:

      2017年6月17日上午的大学英语四级考试已经结束了。文都英语老师相信参加本次英语四级考试的学子都在关注这次四级考试。为帮助考生们更透彻的了解本次英语四级考试真题中仔细阅读的答题情况,文都英语老师将给大家带来仔细阅读Text 2-Egg Painting文章的答案及解析。


      51 A. it is a welcome sign of the coming of spring

      52 D. They are favored as a form of art.

      53 C. Eggs reflect the anxieties of people today.

      54 A. She never knows if the egg will break before the design is completed.

      55 B. It has a history of over two thousand years.


      51. 题干中问及“why do people in many cultures prize the egg?”(为什么在许多文化中,人们重视鸡蛋?),此题出处定位在文章的第一段,“it is no surprise that cultures around the world celebrate spring by honoring the egg”,很明显与选项A“it is a welcome sign of the coming of Spring”进行同义替换;题干中的“in many cultures”对应文中“cultures around the world”,且答案中的“a welcome sign of the coming of Spring”对应文中的“celebrate spring by honoring the egg”(重视鸡蛋来庆祝春天的到来);C、D选项不具备干扰,B选项中的major(主要的)并未在文中体现;

      52. 题干信息“what do we learn about the decorated “eggs” in Russia?”(我们能从俄罗斯的“修饰过”的鸡蛋得知什么?),此题出处定位到文章的第二段,“others elevate the egg into a fancy art, like......in the 19th century”,因此,选项D 中的“they are favored as a form of art”为正确选项;

      53. 题干信息“what have contemporary artists continued the egg art tradition?”,根据题干信息定位到文中的第三段的第二句“contemporary artists have followed this tradition.....speak to the anxiety of our age......Eggs are, too”,因此选项C“eggs reflect the anxieties of people today”为正确选项;

      54. 题干信息“why does Chast enjoy the process of decorating eggs?”(为什么Chast享受修饰鸡蛋的过程?),此题出处于第五段的“There is part of this sickening horror of knowing you’re walking on the edge.....reflect that delicateness”,选项A“she never knows if the egg will break before the design is completed”(因为她永远不知道在设计完成前鸡蛋是否会坏掉),为正确选项;

      55. 题干信息“what do we learn from the passage about the egg-painting?”(从文中,我们对彩绘蛋的认知),此题目定位于第八段的“The tradition, dating back to 300 B.C.....a good harvest”(这个传统可以追溯到公元前300年),由此可知选项B“it has a history of over two thousand years”(有2000多年的历史了)为正确选项。






