

时间:2017-02-28 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:



      Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.







      A.There is almost no class in the afternoon.

      B.The homework is not really heavy.

      C.Students often take private tutoring.

      D.There is no requirement of self-study.


      A.Both are competitive.

      B.Both are expensive.

      C.Both are successful.

      D.Both are student-centered.


      A.Raise teachers' salary.

      B.Give teachers' high social status.

      C.Award more top students.

      D.Set up more tutoring schools.

      Passage Two

      Whenever anyone measures educational success, East Asian countries are always top scorers. But in a recent league table, a European country, Finland, was top of the class. South Korea was still in second place, though. Britain was at number 6. What is the secret of Finland and South Korea's success? Time to do some homework.

      In South Korea the school day is long—typically 7 or 8 hours, followed by hours of private tutoring in the evenings. (19) All this leaves South Korean students so tired, they sometimes fall asleep in class next day.

      Worries about the effects of late-night cramming led the government to force cramming schools to close by 10 p.m.

      (20) Finnish children spend the least time in class in the developed world, often finishing just after lunch, with about one hour of homework a day. Private tuition is uncommon. The British school day is quite long in comparison, around 6 hours, and secondary school pupils do 2 or 3 hours of self-study a night.

      The South Korean education system, like many in Asia, is intensely competitive, with students even competing to get into the best cramming schools, to help them get ahead. Finnish education is far less cut-throat. Classes are all mixed ability, and there are no league tables. (21) South Korea and Finland both do well, yet their education systems are so different. So what lessons can Britain learn from these two countries? Well, there are some similarities in Asia and Finland. (22) In those countries, teachers have high status in society, and education is very highly valued. Those attitudes can't change quickly. But it can be done.

      19. What is the best word describing South Korean students' life?

      20. What makes the education in Finland different from others?

      21. What is the similarity between the education of South Korea and Finland?

      22. What should Britain learn from Finland and South Korea?







      【小题19】此题针对韩国学生的生活状态进行提问。短文中提到 All this leaves South Korean students so tired, they sometimes fall asleep in class next day.由此可知,由于课业负担十分繁重,韩国学生是十分疲惫的,因此答案为选项 A。

      【小题20】短文中提到 Finnish children spend the least time in class in the developed world, often finishing just after lunch,由此可知,与其他发达国家相比,芬兰的学生上课时间是最短的,因此答案为选项 A。

      【小题21】短文中提到 South Korea and Finland both do well, yet their education systems are so different.也就是说,两国的教育体制存在巨大的差异,但两国的教育却都非常出色。因此答案为选项 C。

      【小题22】短文最后提出,In those countries, teachers have high status in society, and education is very highly valued. Those attitudes can't change quickly. But it can be done.也就是说,即使人们的观念不容易改变,但让教师享有较高的社会地位是英国应该努力去做的一件事情。因此答案为选项 B。



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