

时间:2017-02-21 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:



      Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.


      A.He broke the world record of marathon.

      B.He was the winner of Toronto Marathon.

      C.He was the first Indian who succeeded in marathon.

      D.He was the world's oldest marathon runner.


      A.The encouragement from his family.

      B.The boring and lonely life he has.

      C.The feeling that he can still do something.

      D.The desire to win some economic award.


      A.More elder people are taking up tough sports.

      B.More people can live longer than 100 years.

      C.The elder people have more money to spend.

      D.The elder people spend more money than before.






      Passage Two

      When it comes to running marathons, 8 hours, 25 minutes and 16 seconds is not a world record. This was the time it took Fauja Singh to complete the Toronto Waterfront Marathon. Singh, born in India, is no spring chicken—he's 100 years old and his recent feat has made him the world's oldest marathon runner. As an athlete, Singh was a late starter. In his late 80s, after the deaths of his wife and son, he decided he was not yet over the hill and took up running. For Singh, being 100 is just a number. There aren't many centenarians in quite such rude health, but they are on the increase. Life expectancy in the UK today is around 80, but a total of 12,640 men and women are now centenarians compared with just 2,500 in 1980, according to official statistics.

      Retailers and public services have to adapt to this aging society. New figures reveal the amount of money spent annually by people over 65 in the UK is nearing the 100 billion (1 trillion yuan) mark. A whole sector of the economy is now catering to the needs of the grey pound. Why do some people live to such a ripe old age? Scientists in Amsterdam may have come a little closer to discovering the secret to longevity; they've encoded the entire DNA sequence of a woman who lived to 115. Of course, they could just ask Fauja Singh what his secret is. The old boy puts his long life down to ginger curry, tea and "being happy".

      19. What makes Fauja Singh special?

      20. What is the possible cause for Singh to begin running?

      21. What can we know about the elder people in the UK?

      22. What does Singh think contributes to his longevity?







      【小题19】短文开头给出了一个完成马拉松全程的时间,并点明8小时25分16秒是Singh完成多伦多马拉松全程的时间。这样的时间绝不是什么世界纪录,但前提是he's 100 years old and his recent feat has made him the world's oldest marathon runner,也就是说,已经100岁的Singh是全世界年龄最大的马拉松运动员,因此答案为选项D。

      【小题20】此题是针对Singh开始跑步的原因进行提问。短文中提到 after the deaths of his wife and son, he decided he was not yet over the hill and took up running,该句中的 over the hill 的字面意思是“翻过山了”,而它的实际意思是指“too old to do something”,此处,是指Singh不认为自己已经老得什么都做不了了。因此答案为选项C。

      【小题21】短文中提到根据官方统计a total of 12,640 men and women are now centenarians compared with just 2,500 in 1980,由此可知,英国目前百岁老人的人数与1980年相比有大幅上升。因此答案为选项B。

      【小题22】此题是针对 Singh 的长寿秘诀进行提问。短文在最后一句提到Singh认为ginger curry, tea and being happy是他长寿的原因。因此答案为选项C。



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