

时间:2017-08-25 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:


      1.The results are as ____ :First was Sweden,then Germany,then Ireland.

      A)to follow B)follows C)follow D)followed

      2.He did have a lot of facts to ____ his arguments.

      A)back up B)bring out C)count up D)cover up

      3.I’d rather you ____ to me politely.

      A)speak B)spoke C)speaking D)to speak

      4.They expected there____ more reviewing time before the final exams.

      A)is B)have been C)being D)to be

      5.We collected many stories that had been ____from generation to generation .

      A)kept away B)stored up C)piled on D)handed down

      6.____ is no reason for discharging him.

      A)Owing to a few minutes being late B)Due to a few minutes late

      C)Because be was a few minutes late D)The fact that he was a few minutes late

      7.She has made ____ of a name for herself in the world of tennis.

      A)anybody B)something C)somebody D)sometimes

      8.I couldn’t ____ the thought of leaving my hometown for ever.

      A)bear B)carry C)offered D)support

      9.Why is ____ you are so late for the class?

      A)it that B)that it C)it D)that

      10.I____ that you and Tom and Jack have all finished this work.

      A)worry B)show C)display D)suspect


      1.B 结果如下:瑞典队第一,德国队紧随其后,爱尔兰队第三。as follows如下,固定搭配。其它各项均无此搭配。

      2.A 他确有大量事实来支持他的观点。做好本题的关键是弄清每一项的含义。A.back up 支持援助。B.bring out 使出现,公布,出版。C.count up 加起来算总数。D.cover up 掩盖,掩饰。很明显只有A项符合题意。

      3.B 我宁愿你对我讲话时礼貌点。(I)’d rather 后面的从句用虚拟语气其动词形式用过去时态。因此,B答案正确,其它答案均不符合结构要求。

      4.D 他们指望期终考试前有更多复习时间。except后可以跟宾语从句或动词不定式。据本题分析,因为是“期望”的,所以还未发生。因此从句时态用将来时,根据时态一致原则,从句用过去将来时,可以说 The students expected (that) there would be more reviewing time before the final exams. 如果用不定式则可以说 The students expected there to be more reviewing time before the final exams.但不能用动名词,综合以上分析,只有D项是正确的。

      5.D 我们收集了很多代代相传的故事。A.kept away 避开,使离开;B.stored up 贮存,贮备,(以备用于……);C.piled on 堆上。以上各项均与题意无关;D.handed down传下来。与题意相符,是正确答案。

      6.D 他迟到几分钟的事实并不能做为解雇他的理由。根据句子结构分析,此处应填入可作主语的词、短语或从句。A.为现在分词短语,可作原因状语,但不可作主语。B.中due to 引导的短语,可作句子的表语及原因状语,不可做主语。C.中because 引起的原因状语从句,不可引导主语从句。D.中的中心词是 fact,名词可做主语,that引导一个同位语从句解释说fact。用于此处符合要求,因此D项是正确答案。

      7.C 她使自己在世界网坛上小有名气。make somebody of a name for (someone)使某人成名。anybody用于否定句中,其它两项均无此搭配。

      8.A 一想到要永远离开自己的家乡,我就觉得难以忍受。A.bear忍受、容忍,多用于否定句,表示不能忍受,符合题意,是正确答案。 B.carry带、运,一般接具体的事物,用于此处不当。C.offered 提供、提出,多用于提供建议,用于此句意不通。D.support 支持、支撑,一般用于指帮助某人脱离困难或支持某物防止其落下;也指支持或赞同某种观点或理论,其对象应是他人(或他人的观点、理论)。用于此处,关系不当。

      9.A 你为什么会上课迟到这么久呢? A.it that,it作句子形式主语,that和后边部分组成that从句,作主句的真正主语,结构完整为正确答案。B.that it,it 不能用来引导从句,故不能选。C.it,此处that不可省。D.that,句子结构不完整

      10.D 我猜想,你、汤姆和杰克都已经完成了这项工作。D.suspect猜疑、猜想,肯定的意味感觉多,符合题意,是正确答案。A.worry 担心,其后不能直接跟宾语从句。B.show显示、展示,指有意识地把东西拿给别人看;C.display陈列、表现。

      1. He arrived very late at night, in the early hours this morning.

      A) in conclusion B) or rather C) on the whole D) by and large

      2. Mother always taught me to be thrifty and not to live .

      A) beyond my means B) out of place C) at my leisure D) around the clock

      3. President Banda’s background as a doctor has given him into the medical problems that face the country.

      A) a view B) a vision C) an insight D) a sight

      4. In New York there is a shifting population of vagrants usually with an unhealthy for alcohol.

      A) attitude B) aptitude C) appetite D) altitude

      5. Cars and motorcycles are similar they are both privately owned means of transport.

      A) so that B) in that C) for that D) in which

      6. The exhibition of poor sportsmanship a sense of disgust in all who witnessed it.

      A) rose B) arose C) aroused D) raised

      7. When the nurse took his temperature, it was two degrees above .

      A) regular B) ordinary C) average D) normal

      8. The traveler looks like an Englishman, but his foreign accent gave him .

      A) away B) out C) off D) over

      9. We Americans do a lot of business lunch, but people here prefer to tell stories.

      A) in B) over C) within D) without

      10. He just cannot to the different life style here in America.

      A) alter B) modify C) adapt D) adopt


      1.C.短语辨析A) in conclusion表示“在结束时,最后”;B) or rather表示“更准确地说”;C) on the whole表示“总的说来”;D) by and large表示“大体上,总的来说”。他夜里很晚才到,或者更确切地说是今早凌晨时分。

      2.B.介词词组辨析A) live beyond one’s means“入不敷出”;B) out of place“不合适的,不恰当的”;C) at one’s leisure“在某人空闲时或方便时”;D) around the clock“连续一整天或一昼夜”work around the clock昼夜连续工作。妈妈总是教育我要节俭,不要入不敷出。

      3.C.名词辨析四选词的含义分别为:A)a view“一种观点;一个景色”;B)a vision“一种见解,远见”;C)an insight“一种洞察力”;D)a sight“视力;视界,视野”;根据句意答案应是an insight, give sb. an insight into sth意思为“使某人洞察到或深刻体察到某事物”。Banda总统当医生的背景使他洞察到这个国家面临的健康问题。

      4.A.形近名词辨析attitude“态度”,应与介词to/towards搭配;aptitude“才能,天资”;appetite“胃口,欲望”; altitude“高度,海拔”。 在纽约,有一批四处漂泊的流浪汉,他们通常对酒怀有一种不健康的嗜好。

      5.C.连词辨析so that表示目的;in that为复合连词,表示“由于,因为”,同because一词;for 后不能用that从句。小汽车和摩托车相似之处在于它们都是私人拥有的交通工具。


      7.B.近义形容词辨析四选词的意思分别是:A)regular “有规律的,同期的,定期的”;B)ordinary“普通的,平常的”;C)average“平均的,一般标准的”;D)normal“正常状态的,通常的”。 护士给他量体温时,温度超出正常体温两度。

      8.D.短语动词辨析give away“泄露(秘密),出卖”;give out“分发”;give off“发出(光,热,气)”;give over“交,托”。 这位旅行者看来像英国人,但他的外国口音让人听出他不是英国人。

      9.D.介词辨析介词over有许多用法和许多含义,其中一种意思就是“在…期间”,类似in the course of。我们美国人在吃中饭时谈生意,但这儿的人更喜欢讲故事。

      10.D.动词辨析alter表示“改变,改装,修改”,名词为alteration;modify表示“修改,修饰”,名词为modification; adapt表示“使适应,改编”,名词为adaptation;adopt表示“采纳,收养”,名词为adoption。他就是无法适应美国的不同的生活方式。


    2017年12月大学英语四级畅学保险班 2017年12月大学英语六级畅学保险班


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