

时间:2017-02-17 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:



      cet6六级级作文范文:dangerous sports should be banned危险运动应被禁

      dangerous sports should be banned

      when we speak of the ancient romans , we can’t help thrilling a t the slaughter in their a renas which they took as enter tainment . well , any way , this happened 2 , 000 year s ago . but are modern people less blood- thirsty ?why do boxing mat - ches att ract such univer sal interest ?don’t the s pecta tors hope to see some violence ?

      it is r eally incredible tha t in this age we s hould still allow hunting and b ull-fighting , that we should be prepar ed to sit back and watch two men fight each othe r in a boxing ring , that we s hould be relatively unmoved by the sight of one or a number of racing ca rs cr ashing and bursting into flames . people take par t in violent sports becau se of the high r ewards they bring . specta tors a re willing to pay vast sums of money to see violence . a lot of people are disappointed if a fight is over in two rounds instead of fifteen ju st because they have been deprived of the exquisite pleas ur e of witnessing prolonged tor ture and violence .

      why should we ban violent spor ts since people enjoy them so much ? the an swe r is simple: they ar e uncivilized . for centuries man has been t rying to improve himself spiritually and emotionally and this is the 21st century . tr emendous progress has been made in science and technology , social welfar esystems a re in ope ration in many pa rts of the world , and big efforts have been made to increase public wealth . these changes have come about because human beings have taken positive steps to change and improve human civilization . if we banned dangerous and violent spor ts , we would be moving one step fur the r to improving mankind .


      · 从古罗马竞技场引起的联想

      * 现代人是不是les s blood- thirsty

      * 拳击为什么吸引universal interest

      * 观众难道不想看violence

      * 猎兽, 斗牛, 拳击, 赛车

      * 运动员为利而搏

      * 观众花钱取乐

      · 为什么要禁止危险运动

      * 文明时代做文明人

      * 世界在前进

      * 提高人类的素质



      本文为一篇议论文。本文引言部分的重点是三个问题, 而前两句只是背景。以问题开头引出话题中心, 列举几项危险运动以及运动员和观众的心态。作者在第三段中发表自己的看法为什么应当禁止危险运动。本文是一热门话题, 作者所写的每一段都有深意且有联想, 这样的思路和布局非比一般。



      can’t help thrilling 不禁不寒而栗

      slaught er n . 屠杀

      a rena n . 竞技场

      blood-thirsty a . 嗜血的

      spectator n . 观众, 旁观者

      violence n . 暴力

      inc redible a . 不可想像的

      bull- fighting n . 斗牛

      boxing ring 拳击场

      unmoved a . 无动于衷

      racing cars crashing and bursting into flames 赛 车撞毁 燃烧起来

      be willing to + v . 愿意做⋯⋯

      round n . 回合

      be deprived of 剥夺了





    2017年6月大学英语四级VIP定制班 2017年6月大学英语六级VIP定制班





