

时间:2017-02-17 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:



       cet6六级级作文范文:“playing a game is fun only when youwin .”do you agree or disagree withthis statement ?玩游戏赢的时候才高兴,同意否?

      “playing a game is fun only when you win .”do you agree or disagree with this statement ?

      some people argue tha t athletes , while playing games ,should adher e to the principle“ friendship first , competition second , ”and that that is the true sportsman ship .

      personally , i disagree with this point of view . there is no denying that competitors should be friendly with each othe r . howeve r , the prima ry conce rn of every player , af ter hard tr aining for a year or two , is to win the game . his/ her sole motivation , eithe r during the t raining or in the race , is prompted by a looming hope and a prospective championship . be it a chess game or a competition of weight-lifting or a r ace of a hundr ed-met re dash , the case is always t rue . if he/ she wins the game , high r ewards , flowers and honour will pile upon him/ he r . i f he/ she loses once or twice , he/ she will become les s courageous for the third time . however , several losses may beat him/ her down , and his/ he r next battle, if he/ she is da ring to fight , will probably be a fiasco .

      so , in my mind , the fun or happines s of playing a game lies in the athlet e’s ultimate achievement of the goal . we all know napoleon’s famou s saying that a soldier who does not have the ambition to become a mars hal is not a r eal soldie r . i agree that an unambitious a thlete is not a real athlete .


      · some people’s a rgue —“ friendship first , competition

      second”= t rue spor tsmanship

      · my argue

      * primary conce rn of every player — to win the game

      * motivated by championship

      * sever al losses — fiasco

      · conclu sion

      * fu n or happiness in ultimate achievement

      * unambitious athlete — not a real athlete



      本文是一篇议论文, 作者的论点打破了“ 友谊第一, 比赛第二”的常规原则, 而认为比赛就是要赢, 文中充满了竞争意识, 但说理性很强, 很难让人不信服。在结尾段中借用了拿破仑的名言“ 不想当元帅的士兵不是一个真正的士兵”, 并依此证明“没有雄心的运动员就不是一个真正的运动员”。此文很值得六级和托福应试者学习。



      adhe re to = follow

      spor tsmanship n . 运动员精神

      there is no denying tha t . . . 不可否认

      be f riendly with 与⋯⋯友好

      prima ry concern 主要关切的事

      be prompted by a looming hope and a prospective championship受到一种隐约的希望和未来冠军的激励

      be it a chess game . . .= whethe r it be a ches s game . . .这是一让步状语从句, 句中谓语为虚拟语气

      weight-lif ting 举重

      a hunde red-met re dash 百米赛跑

      become less cour ageous 锐气顿减

      fiasco n . 惨败

      napoleon’s famous saying that a soldier who does not

      have the ambition to become a ma rshal is not a real soldier拿破仑的名言“ 不想当元帅的士兵不是一个真正的士兵”

      unambitious a . 无雄心的





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