

时间:2017-02-17 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:



      cet6六级级作文范文:advantages of collecting收集的好处

      advantages of collecting

      some small things are collected delibe rately in the home in an attempt to avoid waste . among these i would list string and brown paper , kept by th rifty people when a pa rcel has been opened , to save buying these two r equisites . howeve r , collecting as a serious hobby is quite dif ferent and has many advantages .

      fir stly , it provides relaxa tion for leisur e hours , just as looking at one’s t reas ure is always a pleas ur e . one does not have to go outside for amusement , since the collection is housed at home . whatever it con sists of , stamps , records , pictures , model cars , stuffed birds , toy animals , ther e is always something to do in connection with it , f rom finding the right place for the latest addition to verifying facts in refer ence books . consequently, one’s knowledge expands .

      secondly , this hobby educates one not only in the chosen subject , but also in gene ral mat ters which have some bearing on it , for instance, to meet like-minded collectors , to get advice , to compare notes , to show off the latest find , and so on . in this way , one’s cir cle of f riends grows .

      thirdly , the hobby soon leads to tr avel , perhaps to a meeting in anothe r town , possibly a t rip abroad in sear ch of rare specimen ( for collectors ar e not confined to one country) . over the years one may well become an authority on one’s hobby and will very probably be asked to give informal t alks to little gatherings and then , if succes sful , to large r audience . in so doing self-confidence grows , first from mastering a subject , then f rom being able to talk about it .

      in conclusion , collecting , by occupying spar e time so constr uctively , makes a per son contented , with no time for bor edom


      · 收藏是一种爱好, 不同于存放日常用品

      · 收藏的好处

      * relaxation and pleasur e

      * enlarge one’s circle of friends

      * travel and meet more people


      * use time const ructively

      * no boredom



      本文是一篇议论文。第一段是引子, 说明人们常常存放一些日常使用的小东西以备不时之需, 但这不是收藏。收藏是一种爱好, 甚至是一种终生爱好。以下三段分列收藏的好处, 紧扣主题, 而每一段的最后一句都写出了结果, 用了consequently ,in this way , in so doing 三个过渡词语。最后一段是一个简单的概括。学习本文应注意模仿使用不同的句式。



      delibe rately ad . 故意

      in an a ttempt to + v . 为了, 企图

      st ring n . 线

      brown paper 牛皮纸

      thrif ty people 节俭的人们

      requisit e n . 必需品

      relaxa tion n . 休息, 放松

      amusement n . 娱乐

      be housed at home 藏在家中

      stuffed birds 填鸟

      toy animals 玩具动物

      in connection with . . . 与⋯⋯有关

      the latest addition 最新的收藏品

      verifying facts in refe rence book s 在参考书中查证事实

      have some bearing on it 与⋯⋯有关

      like-minded collector s 想法相同的收藏者





    2017年6月大学英语四级VIP定制班 2017年6月大学英语六级VIP定制班





