

时间:2017-02-17 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:



      cet6六级级作文范文:which kind of accommodation do you prefer to choose ?你会选择哪种宿舍?

      which kind of accommodation do you prefer to choose ?

      in the pictures , i am offer ed four diffe rent types of accommodation for choice .

      pictur e one is a dormitory room on the campus and i think this is typical of the t raditional students’ lodgings . being shared by eight students , the room is crowded . all the re is to see are beds , double-deck beds . one table st ands in the middle with five students sitting around it . the re being no space for chair s or benches , they sit on the beds . the rest of them have to stay in their nests doing their lessons . luggage and s uitcases find their place either under or above the beds . the room is small and crowded , yet the rent is low, just 20 yuan a month .

      compared with pictur e one, the dormitory room in picture four is much bette r . since it is s har ed by four , it looks large r . the space originally for beds is filled with two wardrobes which include all the luggage, book s and knick-knacks . anyway , it is cleaner and bet ter furnished . although the rent is twice as much as that of pictur e one , i think i get my money’s wor th and it is within my financial capacity .

      as to picture two, i like the apar tment room very much because it is also on the campus and is beautifully furnis hed with all the necessary facilities . of cour se , i will make a good friend of my room-mate . however , it’s unrealistic for me to rent it , because i have to live on my pa rents and my father is a wage-earne r and my mothe r a laid-off worker . it is unimaginable for me to choose picture three . i think it’s for sons and daughte rs of overnight millionaires . i t’s like living on a lux urious isolated island . i can neither stand the cost nor conquer the loneliness .

      all in all , i think the room in picture four should be my wise choice .



      * 八人一室

      * 少有空间


      * 两人一室

      * 设施较全

      * 租金太贵


      * 为富家子女所设

      * 远离学生群体

      · 图4———我的选择

      * 四人一间

      * 空间较大

      * 租金适中

      * 无孤独感

      * 校园公寓



      本文是一篇看图作文。所列四幅图画分别表示四种不同的住宿条件, 要求选择你最喜欢的一种。这类要求学生仔细看画, 特别是图中和图上的文字说明, 然后对每幅画作一简单说明, 进行比较, 最后作出选择并说明选择的理由。



      accommodation n . 住所

      lodgings n . 住所

      be shar ed by 合住

      dou ble-deck bed 双层床

      bench n . 板凳

      all there is to see ar e . . . 只看见, 能看到的都是⋯⋯

      there being no space for . . . 因 为没有摆放⋯⋯ 的空间( 独立主格结构)

      nest n . 巢( 这是借喻为“床上”)

      wardrobe n . 衣柜

      knick-knack s n . 小摆设, 小玩意儿

      better fur nished 装修较好

      twice as much as that of . . . 是⋯⋯的两倍

      get my money’s wor th 物有所值

      financial capacity 经济能力

      facility n . 设施

      ove rnight millionair e 暴富

      luxuriou s isola ted island 豪华的孤岛

      neither stand the cost nor conquer the loneliness 既不能承担其租金又无法排除孤独

      all in all 总之





    2017年6月大学英语四级VIP定制班 2017年6月大学英语六级VIP定制班





