

时间:2017-12-28 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:



      Love is like a lamp in darkness

      Love is the noblest of all the emotions of mankind . it is like a lamp tha t s hines in darknes s and gives people cour age , hope and life .

      The pictur e reminds me of o .henry’s famous s hor t story the last leaf , which described a young ar t girl with serious pneumonia, who , while watching the ivy vine was st ripped of its leaves by the cold autumn wind , felt so pessimistic and dist ressed tha t she thought with the fall of the last leaf her life would come to an end .

      Surprisingly enough , the next morning , she found the last ivy leaf was still there , which again lit her hope of life . the story went on that the last leaf was , in fact , painted by an old ar tist who died of an acute at tack of pneumonia the moment he finished his maste rpiece . this story reveals that love can illuminate a person’s lifelong journey . countles s daily happenings around us may serve as good examples to fur ther expound the topic of the picture .

      Over seas chinese cont ribute la rge s ums of money to“ project hope”to help children in rural a reas go back to school .

      Middle school students regula rly help grandpar ents and disabled people with their housework .

      College students donate blood pe riodically to hos pitals . somebody with a fatal head injury and with no hope of recovery donated his kidney to a little girl .

      War riors in white have saved thousands of sars victims by sacrificing themselves .

      The structur e of the chinese char acte r ren“ 人” repr esents people’s mutual love and mutual support . so , peoples hould love and be loved , and i think if everyone gives out a lit tlelove , our world will become a beautiful ea r thly paradise


    2018年6月大学英语四级畅学通关班 2018年6月大学英语六级畅学通关班






