

时间:2017-08-30 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:


      studying the english language in an english-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn the language . do you agree or disagree with this statement ?

      learning english in an englis h-speaking count ry has many advantages . it is , ther efore, a good idea to learn english in britain or america . however , i believe it is not the only way to lea rn the language .

      to begin with , most students in non-english- speaking countries lea rn english in high schools or u nive rsities . although their spoken english is not us ually of a very high standard , their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced . this is cer tainly useful when late r they come to an englishspeaking country to per fect the language .

      howeve r , it is obviou sly advantageous to learn english in english-speaking countries whe re, every day , students will have ample chance to pr actise listening and s peaking . in addi- tion , students can experience the foreign cultur e, which gr eat - ly help s u nderstand the language . this is especially tr ue ifthey choose to live with an englis h or american family . still , since students are taught by native speaker s , their reading and writing skills will improve as well .

      as every coin has two sides , lea rning english a t home also proves effective . at home students will have less st ress and fewe r problems in accommodation , expensive tuition and living costs .

      in conclu sion , it is prefer able to study e nglish in an english-speaking count ry , but a reasonable level of english can be achieved at home, if a student is gifted and dedicated to study .


    2017年12月大学英语四级畅学保险班 2017年12月大学英语六级畅学保险班


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