

时间:2017-06-02 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:




      The Yellow River, with its length of more than five thousand meters, is the second longest river in our country and the sixth longest in the world. Originating from the Bayankala Mountains in Qinghai Province, it flows through nine provinces of China and empties into the Bohai Sea. Since its basin is the main birthplace of Chinese civilization and the most prosperous region in early Chinese history, it is called as “Mother River of China” and also hailed as “the Cradle of Chinese Civilization”. But frequent devastating flooding has also earned it the unenviable distinction as "China's Sorrow". The government has invested a great deal of manpower and material resources to harness the Yellow River and has achieved remarkable effects since the founding of the People's Republic of China.



      第二句:翻译时注意用非谓语动词作伴随状语;“流经”可译为flow through;“注入”可译为empty into。

      第三句:since引导原因状语从句;“被誉为”可译为be hailed as;注意被动语态的并列。

      第四句:“使其得名”可译为earn it the distinction。

      第五句:翻译时使用现在完成时;“大量人力物力”可译为a great deal of manpower and material resources。



      The sharing economy is booming in China. Homegrown ride-sharing and home-sharing companies emerged in China early this decade, shortly after Uber Inc. and Airbnb Inc. launched in the U.S. Chinese sharing companies raised almost USD 25 billion last year. Bike sharing has been one of the country’s most visible destinations for venture capital over the last few months. Even as much of the Chinese economy is slowing or stalling, it’s estimated that China’s sharing economy will account for 10% of GDP by 2020. Since money is wasted and companies merge or go bust, the sharing model looks to have a brighter future in China than almost anywhere else.


      第一句:“共享经济”译为the sharing economy;“急速发展”可简单译为boom。

      第二句:用shortly after连接本句话;“本土的汽车共享”译为homegrown ride-sharing。


      第四句:注意使用现在完成时;“风险资本”译为venture capital。

      第五句:even as引导时间状语从句;使用it’s estimated that…句型。

      第六句:用since引导原因状语从句;“破产”可译为go bust。

      中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine )有五千多年的历史,是中国古代劳动人民几千年来对抗疾病的经验总结。中医将人体看成是气、形、神的统一体,以“望、闻(auscultation and olfaction)、问、切”为其独特的诊断过程。 中医使用中药、针灸(acupuncture)以及许多其他治疗手段,使人体达到阴阳调和。阴阳和五行是中医的理论基础。五行是自然界中的五种基本物质,即金、木、水、火、土。


      Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history of more than 5,000 years. It is a summary of the experience of the working people over many centuries of struggle against diseases. TCM considers human body as a unity of QI, XING and SHEN. The diagnostic process of TCM distinguishes itself by “observation,auscultation and olfaction, inquiry and pulse diagnosis”. TCM uses traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and many other treatment means to make human body be harmony between YIN and YANG. The concepts of YIN-YANG and WU XING laid a theoretical foundation for TCM. WU XING refers to five basic substances in the nature, that is, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.



      2.望、闻、问、切:“望”即“观察”,可译为observation;“闻”有“听”的意思,也有“嗅”的意思,在中医里也是如此,原文里已经给出提示,译为 auscultation and olfaction; “问”即“询问”,翻译为 inquiry; “切” 指“诊脉”,翻译为pulse diagnosis。

      3.阴阳调和:即阴阳平衡,可译为make YIN and YANG in equilibrium或者 be harmony between YIN and YANG。

      4.金:五行中的“金”不是“金子”,而是“金属”之意,所以要翻译成metal, 而不要译成gold。

      尊师重教在中国有着悠久的传统。自古以来,中华民族都把教育放在十分重要的地位。即使人们不是很富有,社会上的各个阶层还是会想方设法让子女上学读书,接受教育。教师的地位取决于对教育的重视。在中国古代,有许多尊师的说法。对老师的尊重,表现在社会生活的各个方面。教师见君王可以免去礼节 (etiquette),反而官员们见到老师要躬身下拜。现在,中国还把每年的九月十日定为教师节,以表达对教师的尊重。


      It is a long-standing tradition in China that peoplelay much stress on education and show high respectfor the teacher.Since ancient times,the Chinesenation has put education in a veiy importantposition.All social classes will try by every means tohave their children go to school to receive education,even though they are not rich.The statusof the teacher depends on the importance attached to education.In ancient China,there weremany sayings about respecting the teacher.Respect for the teacher can be seen in all aspects ofsocial life.The teacher could be excused from etiquette when meeting the emperor,but officialsshould bow down when meeting the teacher.Nowadays,China has set September 10th eachyear as the Teachers,Day,in order to show respect for them.


      1.尊师重教:可译为lay much stress on education and show high respect for the teacher。其中lay much stress on意为“重视,强调”,等同于attach great importance to。

      2.想方设法:可译为try by every means to或do everything possible to。

      3.地位:即“社会地位”,可译为social status或status。

      4.免去礼节:可译为be excused from etiquette。其中“免去”译为be excused from 或be spared from,etiquette意为“礼节”。

      5.躬身下拜:可译为bow down。


    2017年6月大学英语四级VIP定制班 2017年6月大学英语六级VIP定制班





